My Heeeaaad---

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My head hurts. My eyes burn. My glasses don't fit, so they're crooked and hurt my head (which I knew, but I'd already asked the lady to fix 'em 50 times, so I was like 'well, let's see how these are'). I want to sleep.

Also, Idfk why hours of my day just disappear-- I'm counting how long I spend on things, and checking off that hour on my hour schedule, but... three hours or more literally just disappear.

But I wrote smut today and... the day before yesterday. Today, I was working on a Bakuroki oneshot (b/c my head hurts), but the other day, I was working on He's Mine. So yea. Look forward to that. I'm trying hard to stick to the hour schedule I made. (We'll see if I actually finish sh*t on time or not though.)

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