This Time on Calming Anxiety...

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I do have Japanese today, but I have three days without any classes - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The Japanese class on Monday isn't heavy either (although today's is). Then- ... Okay, but I got the Writing Homework done in one day yesterday, right? I don't necessarily need to get a head start on Japanese days.

All I need to do for Junior Comp is really make a thesis and some claims. It's okay if not all of the claims are good; we'll probably be cutting some of them anyway. And I don't really need to research for that. Maybe talking my ideas over with my family would help? Sleep would definitely help. Yeah, that's why my brain wasn't coming up with anything earlier.

Then for 2D Design..., just don't be a perfectionist. Who cares if it's not good enough for your professor? If it's good enough to get an A or at least a B, that's great! Just calm down and push through. It's okay. This isn't a drawing. This is cutting paper. A composition without shades of gray. You KNOW you're bad at tracing and cutting, so you shouldn't be so hard on yourself that you're struggling. You don't need to redo lines, either. It doesn't matter if it's not perfect. It won't look right regardless - and that's just because of the limitations. You gotta keep this in perspective. You can't even DRAW dogs as well as you'd like, so why would you be so critical of your cutting? YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR CUTTING. IT'S NOT AN ISSUE FOR YOU. SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT and just have fun.

Then we have the issue of sleep.... Well, let's try sleeping Friday away. Let's see... Let's say I go to bed late yet again at 1. Then if I sleep in until 12... that's 11 hours, meaning 3 extra hours. Then I eat, finishing at 1. Then I go to sleep until... 4 - would be 3 more hours. That means I have... 3 hours left, right? And that would leave me with about two days to finish my two assignments. So just calm down. You have plenty of time. It doesn't seem like it because the weekdays are so busy, but YOU HAVE A WEEKEND. So calm the frig down. All right. Now go to bed.


All right, we'll say I have one hour of Junior Comp left.

Sleep... I need nine extra hours.

So, from tonight to Sunday night (bedtime, not including sleep)... So Saturday... let's say we wake up at... 8? Then go to bed at... 12. Subtract three hours for meals and two for bathroom/getting ready; that's 12 pm to 11 pm, so 11 hours.

Sunday: 8 am - 12 again, so we'll have 11 hours that day as well. That means 10 hours left. ... That means 1 hour for 2D Design if I get the sleep I need; that's not enough.

All right, I'm freaking out again. Ummm... That's... There's... nothing I can do to expand tha-WAIT!! I DIDN'T INCLUDE TODAY!!! So... from 3 to 12, that is... 9 hours. Subtract four hours for meals and getting ready/bathroom. 5 hours. That means 6 hours for 2D Design total. ... We can do this. Calm down. (I'm still freaking out because my mom wants me to help out with the garage sale, but this was literally the worst weekend to do that for us because I'm behind in 2D Design, and mom and dad had conferences and grades due this week. I really hope she, uh... eases up a little because I canNOT help.)

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