How College Should be: 1 HW hr per credit hour(, why, & hr-by-hr breakdown)

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Necessities (sleep, food, getting ready, etc.): 12 hrs/day (8 for sleep, 3 for food, 1 for getting ready, etc.)

Classes: 4-5 hrs/day

7-8 hrs/day left

Potential Uses of Time: 0-2 hrs for commute, 1-2 hrs for cleaning, 0-8 hrs for work, 0-1 hr for exercise, 0-2 hrs of socialization, 0-2 hrs of free time

College HW currently:
2-3 hrs/week for every credit hour IN ADDITION TO how long it takes you to do the work.
15 credit hours = graduate on time. 12 = minimum to remain full-time student (for scholarships).

over 12 x 2-3 = over 24-36 hrs/week --> over 3-5 hrs/day --> 8 - 3-5 = 3-5 hrs/day left (in other words, the minimum to remain a full-time student (4 hrs of classes + 3-5 hrs of HW per day) is the MAXIMUM of the work hour amount)

over 15 x 2-3 = over 30-45 hrs/week --> over 4-7 hrs/day --> 8 - 4-7 = 1-4 hrs/day left

There should be research on the average American student to see how long it would take for different types of HW. Then, teachers should use that research to conform their HW and due dates so that students spend an hour outside of class per credit hour.

1 credit hour=1hr HW --> 12-15 hr/week --> 1-2 hrs/day (meaning 7 hrs/day of school for 15 credit hours)

8 - 2 = 6 hrs/day left

Honors can be 2 hrs per credit hour.

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