Family Health

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Ugh, I do not feel good.... I've felt a little nauseous today and yesterday, but now I really feel sick. I thought it was because I'm stopped up with diarrhea, but... hardly anything would come out earlier today (despite that there was still plenty when I got sick of sitting in the bathroom yesterday). Ugh, I don't understand why the poop seems to head back in!! Like, hello, can some of you stay in the rectum so you can come out tomorrow??? Egh, I hate poop.

Also, my father's sick with diarrhea and nausea. He's gonna get tested for COVID tomorrow just in case. (I really hope it's not that. My mother is literally scheduled to get the vaccine on Saturday, and I'd be super worried if she got COVID.) My mom apparently thinks that my grandfather still has COVID. I mean, sure, he hasn't exactly recovered from it (as in, he isn't as healthy as he was before he got COVID), but he got that months ago (literally last year if I remember correctly). Plus, we went over there only a few weeks after they got rid of it, so if he still had it then, considering my mother's poor immune system, wouldn't she, at least, have gotten it then? Oh well. We'll find out tomorrow, I guess.

Then there's my grandfather.... He's really not doing well, and I'm super worried, not only for him but also for my grandmother.... It's just... I wanted to get to talk to them more. It sounds like my grandpa's at the end of his life, and my aunt has literally told my father that once grandpa passes, she's not taking care of grandma, so that's concerning as well (not that she's doing a great job of taking care of them now)....

It just sucks, simply put. My aunt is so bossy, she literally is just... like, she's yelled at my parents for taking my grandmother shopping (and buying her a drink she wanted). Like, I go through my little hazelnut spreads in two days, but my parents still get me them. What's the problem with getting something someone enjoys so much that they go through it in a day or two?

She's also making grandpa and grandma see her doctor, which is super far from their home. Like, wtf??? They don't want to stay cooped up in a car for that long!! That's ridiculous!! Why can't they continue seeing the doctor they have been? And apparently, my grandpa's glasses aren't even the right prescription! So that and his lack of hearing adds to him being isolated, which is never good for anyone's health, but then she's also just not letting them have any enjoyment or things to look forward to. For example, the drink situation.

Then she and my uncle were complaining about how Fox News was brainwashing my grandfather with things that had to be decoded to get special information out of them, like wtf. First of all, he's always been a conservative, so I don't find it likely that any conservative news station would brainwash him or anything like that. Just because you're a democrat and don't like conservatives does not mean that a conservative news station is brainwashing people. Second, wtf are you talking about, a frigging news station having secret messages! Third, even if they did have secret messages, my grandfather can hardly even hear or see anything! How exactly is he going to receive these "secret messages" if he can't even hear all of the actual content. Never mind his capabilities to decode them. Like wtf, have you lost your minds?

My parents also got a little Christian workbook thingy for Grandpa, but they're worried that my aunt might throw it out. Like wtf is wrong with you if you would do something like that. Just because you're not a Christian does not mean you can throw out someone else's Christian workbook. (Yes, my grandfather is a devout Christian, so he would enjoy something like that.)

... It just sucks that his health is declining. I'm also worried that this is making my mom think about how much time she has left with her parents, which will make her cling harder to them.... Personally, I wish Mamie or Papa was the one who was having all the health problems instead of Grandpa. Once Mamie and Papa die, I'll have a lot less sh*t to deal with regarding family issues. (Actually, most of our family issues should be gone once my mother's parents are gone.) Grandpa, on the other hand, is a really great guy. ... I suppose that's why God's taking him early, because he's already gone through so much.... (sighs) Why is life so fleeting...? It seems like just as soon as I start to reach for family members, they go away....

... I... You know, my parents have been wanting to move. My brother's moving out next month or so to move in with his girlfriend. ... I've been very against moving because I don't like change, and I don't feel ready to support myself, and all of that, but... if we were to move closer to my father's parents..., I would actually like that. We're so close to Mamie and Papa, so we see them often (although not since COVID), but we're so far from Grandma and Grandpa, so we only see them a couple times each year.... If we were, like..., somewhere in the middle of the two, I think that'd be a nice compromise.

... I only hope that it wouldn't be too late.... I won't be ready to move until the end of the summer, probably, but my father would need lots of time to get everything ready for the move.... So, we'd probably end up doing it next year during the summer. ... I just hope we'll have a few more years, at least, with Grandma and Grandpa....

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