Re-evaluating the Rest of the Semester

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Okay, I now I've already wasted too much time this week because of my lack of motivation and whatnot, but I'ma just redo my estimations because I just timed a slide that I believe is my longest, and it only took 10 minutes. (Although the first two sections of it went pretty smoothly, I struggled like I normally do with the third section.)

So, one slide would probably take less than 20 minutes, we'll say. So, I have... 24-11=13 slides left. 13 x 20 = 260 minutes, which roughly translates to... a little over 4 hours, yikes.

So... I finished the DB, and I'm not gonna listen the lecture. I still have Anki for 2 VTs, the 6 pages that were due 2 weeks ago, typical Japanese, KARA FP which I already counted, EA FP, EA research paper, Japanese script and video, evaluate my peers' VTs for KARA, 4 course evals, COVID vaccine, and my finals for Japanese and KARA.

By due date, excluding daily Japanese, that is:

Week 16

-Wednesday: KARA and EA FPs

-Friday: EA research paper and Japanese script and video

-Saturday: Peer evals for KARA

Finals Week

-KARA final (and those 6 pg and studying before that)

-Sunday: 4 course evals, COVID vaccine, Anki for 2 VTs

-Wednesday: Japanese final

I have- let's see.... Let's say five hours spent on hygiene and food today. That would mean... if I get done with these calculations by 5, and I go to bed by midnight..., okay, 2 hours left today. Then I have Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, which... is 18+7=25, according to my calculations yesterday. Then I have... Tuesday and Wednesday until my KARA FP is due, so that'd be 10 hours. That would mean... 37 hours total.

Again, recording Japanese, I assumed... 21 hours for Japanese recording just in case. So... 16 hours to do... my final projects for EA and KARA. How long did I say KARA'd take? 5 hours, we'll say. So 11 hours, plenty to do my EA project.

And I said I could do Anki on Sunday before my vaccine, but nothing else. So... Thursday and Friday, I'll have 11 hours, I said. Saturday, again, should be... how much did I say - 9?

Alrighty, then... what do I have left? EA research paper, EA DB, peer evals for KARA, and 4 course evals. I said the research paper would take... 8 hours tops. I have enough time to complete that; it leaves me 1 hour to do the DB since that's due at 5... That'll be super tight; I'll have to skim.

Then... 11 hours to do the peer and course evals.... Since watching a VT and doing the notes takes me about an hour, and the course eval should take me - wait... OH MY GHOULS, I'M AN IDIOT!!! Not only do they not have the stroke orders (hopefully), but the peer evals aren't actually evaluations this time!! They're just interacting with interactive components, which are included in the usual VTs!!! So, it definitely will NOT take me 3 hours, but rather less than 2. Still not enough to do the peer evals alone (since I have 10 peers), never mind the course evals, but... definitely makes it a lot more reachable-seeming. (I know there's a word for that, but I don't remember it right now.)

Thus... let's re-evaluate that calculation of recording Japanese.

Wait, no, first... let's evaluate how much my EA project would actually take me. Let's see... I have to choose all of my characters, arrange them, then take a photo, arrange them again, and then take another photo.... Taking the photos shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. I am wanting them as big as I can make them, so... let's see... we'll say I have about 100 figures, 100 plants and animals, 100 PlayMobil people. 300 things to arrange... 3 hours? Let's see... that would mean... hrmmn, that's not an easy time to work with.... 180 would be 3 hours. So, uh... oh right, it'd be times 2, so... 6 hours, 360 minutes. ... That doesn't help me; I'm trying to figure out how much time it'd be for one character....

Well, we'll go the opposite way then. 1 minute per character would be 300 minutes, but I'm bound to have to redo some because they fall, which'll take... about 30 minutes, we'll say. That's 5 hours and 30 minutes. Then we double it for... 11 hours. Then choosing, we'll say... 3 hours. Finishing the presentation... let's give it another 3. ... Wtf, that's not enough time. AGHHHH.

Oh, forget it. I'll re-evaluate after I finish my Japanese project.

For now, I'm just to going to try to motivate myself and get what I can done while I remember that peer feedback and course evals aren't as important, so it's okay if I don't finish them on time! We can also always take notes on peers' presentations later, so that'd take less time as well! Let's get to work!

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