Why Can't We All Get Along? and Me Mapping Out my Final Three Weeks

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I'ma be completely honest with y'all: I hate politics.

Sure, I'll argue about them and defend my opinion (even though I'll worry about people yelling at me for it or whatever), but Republicans aren't wonderful either. (Granted, I think part of the resentment that I resent in Republicans is a reaction to the Democrats and being unable to speak, but even though Republicans have been dealing with this kind of sh*t for at least 12 years, it's still aggravating to listen to rants and raves about the same thing over and over again. And that doesn't just apply to politics, either. [Of course, in the case of seriously impactful legal cases, like the cheating of this past presidential election, I think there should've been something done about that, but just complaining? Geez, just complain once about it and move on. If something new happens that also gets on your nerves, complain once and move on.])

Now, I know that I complain a lot. I complain to my parents, and I complain online. But although there may be some overlapping, I usually just complain when I'm seriously frustrated at an extremely frustrating situation or if I'm seriously frustrated about something that has repeated for quite a bit of time. Now, I am under a lot of stress, not really getting much free time and just spending time on school in which I feel like I can't speak my mind in at least two classes (not saying that my workload is extraordinarily stressful over others'! It's just too much for me, personally), so I get irritated quicker than I used to or quicker than I do when I'm on break, but I think I do tend to keep my complaining to twice per situation (one to my parents and one online) [or less, if I'm not as frustrated], and I doubt anyone really reads my numerous rants. {All that said, I do need to complain less. Like, geez, do I update this once every week at least?}

But everyone's just so bitter and tense when it comes to politics, and I hate it. I just wish everyone could get along. That people would start judging people - not only others, but also evaluating themselves - based on their character, not on their appearance. Just because I'm white does not mean I'm racist. Just because someone's black does not mean they're stupid OR violent. (Violence depends more on the environment, and stupidity... relies a lot on [lack of] motivation and certain environments [some teachers are not the best; some kids may encourage others not to try hard; etc.].) Just because I'm a female does not mean that people are taking advantage of me. (That's more because I'm a gullible loudmouth.) Just because someone's male does not mean that they're sexist or want to take advantage of women.

Just because I walk to the other side of a street or call out something that's unfair or unjust, and there just happens to be an African American on the side of the street that I was on, or the African American was the person that did the unfair or unjust thing, does not mean that I'm racist. I walk to the other side of the street if anyone is on the side I'm on, to get out of their way. I have called out plenty of people who have been unfair or unjust, and they were usually white (just because I live in a community where most people are white). Why would I change that standard just because you're black? (My uncle was beat up by a bunch of black people because he called them out for butting in line, so that's where that example comes from. Now, granted, my uncle is not exactly a great role model, but it sounded like he had literally just asked why they were butting in line and to head to the back of the line like everyone else.)

The same would apply for the opposite situation of an African American walking to the other side of the street or calling out an unfair or unjust situation.

There are so, so many factors that go into something. Before assuming something, why can't we take a step back, look at ourselves, the situation, and the other people, and calmly assess why something might've happened? Because there are bound to be plenty of potential reasons. Or we could just ignore it in the first place. Now, I am a very strict rule follower, so I may struggle to ignore someone not following the rules (although I'm now scared to call people out on stuff like that because people respond so drastically), so the person I'm calling out has two peaceful options: ignore me until I get fed up (or am told to back off) or do the right thing. In the line example, it would be as simple as going to the back of the line. If the line's gotten longer, well, that's your own fault for trying to cut in the first place; consider it as punishment. If it's something more complicated, like something that can't easily be taken back or undone, for ghouls' sakes, the least you could do is apologize and say you won't do it again. Now, maybe you're lying, or maybe I think you're lying, but chances are that I'm not gonna bug you about it further. Now, I can't say that others won't continue to bug you despite your apology, but maybe you can come up with your own way to get them to back down.

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