Racial Trauma Symposium Tomorrow

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... I'm...I'm just at a loss for words at a single sentence in this, so... I'll just... copy and paste what it says. I knew "racial trauma" was stupid, but...

You have the opportunity to earn up to 10 extra credit points by attending this virtual symposium (from 10-12:15) and writing a guided reflection on the symposium.

Harris Stowe State University invites you to attend the 3rd Annual Psychological Sciences Symposium, "The Science of Racial Trauma"

Wednesday April 20th via Zoom

9:30 am – 12:15 pm CST

Free – No Registration

Nationally renowned speakers!

Symposium Program

9:30 am – 10: 00 am--Welcoming Comments from HSSU Psychology Club President Bren Neely

10:00 am - 10:30 am--Contemporary implications of the transatlantic slave trade: The impacts of historical trauma and its effects on black population by Keisha Ross, Ph.D.

10:30 am – 11:00 am--To be black and conscious in America is to be in a constant state of rage by Gil Singletary, JD, PhD, MBA, MSSW {I... I'm sorry, but just... black=constant rage? First of all, encouraging serious negativity. Second, is that not actually racism?? Third, what does that have to do with generational trauma when BLACK PEOPLE ARE COMING FROM OTHER AREAS TO AMERICA.}

11:00 am – 11:30 am--Addressing racism and racial trauma: Training the next generation of health service psychologists by Alex Pieterse, Ph.D.

11:30 am – 12:00 pm--#racialtraumaisreal: Assessment, treatment, and healing across the lifespan by Maryam Jernigan-Noesi, Ph.D.

12:00 – 12:15 pm-- Closing remarks by Ms. Santiago, Member of the Saint Louis Chapter of the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi) and Adjunct Instructor at Harris-Stowe State University

I wouldn't be able to go through such a long lecture like this (and have a class during it anyway), but if you want to join for whatever reason...

"Join Via ZoomTopic: Harris-Stowe State University 3rd Annual Psychological Sciences SymposiumTime: Apr 20, 2022 09:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)https://hssu.zoom.us/j/94966318501?pwd=WnByMmxnTVprb3ptUXRJY20vZHVaZz09

Meeting ID: 949 6631 8501
Passcode: HSSU-PSYC"

Just keep in mind that females have set ovums, okay? There was a recent study that assumed that there's a way to create more because of some treated(?) cancer patients having more ovums than others their age, but... it sounded like even if that was okay to assume, it requires very specific circumstances.

According to the short research I did, although men do produce sperm throughout their life, "genetic information [...] is fixed." It's epigenetic (basically gene expression/the activation of genes, from my understanding) information that can be altered, "[b]ut the epigenetic study of human sperm is in its infancy," even regarding the factor of age.

So keep that in mind because both of my parents - who are science teachers with my father having a degree in biology and my mother having started down the road of becoming a doctor/therapist - strongly declare that trauma is NOT passed down (my mom having gone through trauma herself). I understand that science changes a lot with time, but I'm skeptical of this symposium, and I encourage you to really consider what people say, not just take it in - and that, of course, includes me. I don't know what was and wasn't reliable in what I found.

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