Me: (calm) - Oh yeah, my art prof. posts crud on Monday. (freaking out)

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Me: (lists all I have to do this week to my mother) Oh, I actually don't have as much as I thought! This actually seems somewhat doable!

My Art Professor: (posts an announcement about Week 4)

me: Oh. Right. My stupid professor posts the weekly modules on Monday instead of Sunday despite that everything is due on Friday. (Like seriously, I'd prefer it be posted on Saturday, but I will take Sunday because that's when the week begins, but Monday?!!! There is no excuse for that when you apparently have everything ready beforehand!!)

Just one more semester with this idiot; just one more semester... Once I finish this semester, I should never have him ever again....

Nothing he does makes any sense. Seriously. Why would you make things due at 5 pm on Friday? And then even worse, post the next week's stuff on Monday? Like, I get that maybe you want us to relax on the weekends, but GUESS WHAT? WE'RE IN FRIGGING COLLEGE; WE DON'T GET A BREAK!! PLENTY OF STUDENTS WOULD RATHER HAVE A HEAD START ON THE WORK DUE EACH WEEK BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO DO IT ALL AS IT IS.

So yes. Time to find out what I have to do for art this week... (sobs) I already have 19 pages to read, two zooms - no wait, I'm sorry, probably more than that considering my required volunteer work might (should) start this week--, a stupid Nearpod lesson, 3+ responses to my classmates, a Nearpod challenge, an article, a quiz, an exit ticket (quiz?), and notes due. Among my daily Japanese (which takes at least 2 hours of my time with the prep and the zoom).

So yes :3

I'm frigging doomed :))))

(sighs defeated) Wish me luck...

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