This Time on "My Grandparents Suck"...

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My grandmother is a



She planned a meal at a restaurant OUTSIDE (probably because her husband won't take "no" for an answer), and when we told her that it's too hot for me to be outside, she said 'it's not that hot! You'll be in the shade anyway!'

Like wtf is wrong with you. Have you been outside today?? Because I was just outside for like three minutes, and I was DYING. (Not literally, but I was so exhausted after I sat down in the car that I could hardly sit up.)

Second, aren't you the one who's always saying "it's so cold; you need a coat!!" or "oh, you shouldn't be out today because it's too hot!!"? Only when it's not inconvenient, I guess. You only "care" if caring doesn't interfere with you....

The heat isn't good for my mother either though.... Although it took some serious willpower to get out of the car before I'd even cooled off, I don't have to go since I wouldn't be able to last three minutes outside, (and I hate eating outside anyway because wind, bugs, and sh*t,) but my mom can't either!! And she's still recovering from her three surgeries, and you deciDE TO PLAN DOING THINGS NONSTOP FOR FOUR DAYS IN A ROW??? WTF???!!

I wish my parents had stayed home, too.... Neither of them even want to go in the first place (my father because of my grandparents and my mother because social anxiety), and my mom doesn't take heat much better than I do....

Oh yeah, and then two days after that, we were outside again. Everyone was complaining about the heat, even my grandmother!! But they all just stayed outside for appetizers(?), dinner, and dessert, like wtf??? So I was alone for most of the day because again, it was too hot for me.

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