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I wanna wriiite~--- Listening to Fairy Tail openings and endings while I'm doing my stroke order refuels my desire to read and write Natsu x Zeref-- I frigging love that ship-- Total OTP--

Meh... I'm tired, and my eyes burn, too. Why do I have to do work? >m<

I also was reading comments on Wattpad this morning, so that does not help motivation :3 I FRIGGING LOVE KATSUDEKU-- MY PRECIOUS BABIES-- I WANNA WRITE HE'S MINE---

Oh, by the way, etto... For my Kanji course Wednesday, we have... a quiz (that I'll have to study for), ummm... 4 pages (which really just means drawing the radicals on the page twice because I already read the pages :3 ), ... another VT with stroke order, and VT AUDIO comments where I'll come up with a mnemonic, so... yah. Then Saturday..., another VT with stroke order, listening to my classmates' mnemonics and voting on my favorite (which'll be hard because I can't understand, like, half of my classmates--), updating my Anki deck, and then... checking out some app. ... so yeah. That's this week on Kanji course. ...

And let me remind you that also on Wednesday, I have a presentation due, daily Japanese of course, and an hour-long appointment :33 Yay... wish me luck. This week's Wednesday is full to the max.... (I still don't frigging know why my art professor makes projects due on Wednesday-- ... or more pressing, WHY HE MAKES EVERYTHING DUE AT 5PM--)

Mehhhh I wanna sleep--

And write--

And do whatever the frig I wanna do--


Heehee ^~^' I guess I should get back to work, huh? Wish me luck~ (At least listening to songs makes stroke orders not so bad~ -w- ~ I swear, anime songs are amazing, and I don't know why I'm just now realizing that this year.... The Madoka Magika songs make me wanna cry {x'DDD )

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