Don't Want to Work

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Red Blood Cell in the Code Black episode I was watching: I don't wanna work!!!

Me after finishing the episode and returning to my schoolwork tabs: I don't wanna work!!!

My dog: (laying paws on my mouse pad and clicking random things)

Me: My dog doesn't want me to work either.

Also me: Oh yeah, you don't have the time to prepare for the Japanese zoom tomorrow morning because you have your education zooms.

Me: ... frig-

Sensible Me continuing: And you have a writing exercise due tomorrow, which, of course, takes you longer than digital assignments. And then you need to get more of that radical research form done befo-

Me: Okay, already, I get it!!!

Sensible Me: Yet you're not moving despite that you have at least over fifteen minutes until you can go to the bathroom because you have to take your period medicine first.

Me: ...

Sensible Me: Get to work.

Me: Haiiii...

Sensible Me: Now!!!

Me: All right already!! I'll try....

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