Last Day Before Finals Week

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(Note: This was written two nights ago.)

Aghhh I wanna write!!! I just came up with a great way to start getting Baku and his slaves in He's Mine to connect, but I have so much to do in so little time!!! I have a paper, two drawings, and a video to finish by tomorrow!

The video's due in the morning, and since I need my parents to help me film, I have to finish that tonight, and there's a whole page to record still! The paper's almost finished, but I've barely started on the drawings! (They're supposed to be "long-term" because they take five hours, but I've already been spending that on a single exercise!) Those are all due at 5 tomorrow!

That means I have now... less than 26 hours! 12 of those hours will be spent on necessities like sleep and food, and it'll probably take me 3 hours to record the rest of my Japanese project. There will be a Japanese Zoom for about an hour, and, as I said, the drawings are supposed to take 10 hours total. This adds up to 26 hours, so it'll be close! Wish me luck >///<

Once I finish these, all I'll have are my finals, playtests, and finishing the game design though! So then I can finally get to writing.... That means I should be finishing on Thursday next week, but I really should be working on my homework.... (cough)

(For those of you who are curious, I stayed up until like 2 in the morning trying to post my video. [Stupid iMovie won't let you put the video ANYWHERE outside of iMovie unless you have the space to store a copy, so it took me an entire hour to delete enough crud to post it.] I'll be posting that in Wattpad on the Random Stuff... eventually. As for the drawings, I only finished one drawing out of two.)

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