Chapter 2

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"So where are we headed?" Daichi asked as you walked towards home.

"Oh yea duh, I live on Lotus street" you said pointing in the general direction.

"I actually live just a few blocks from there so that's perfect!" He said with a smile.

The walk home was nice, you chatted about school and practice.  He praised you for how good you were with only having played for fun.  Conversation was easy with him and honestly very enjoyable so the time passed quickly and now you were already at your street.

"So which one is your house?" He asked. You pointed to the very large one at the end of the street. He looked at you a bit shocked. "That's your house??"

 "That's your house??"

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(Front of house)

"Yea I know it's a bit much. My family has owned it for awhile but I had some recent changes made. Would you like to come in?" You asked finishing the short walk to your house.

"I'd love to" he smiled. You unlocked the door letting him in. You both took your shoes off at the entrance and you began to show him around.

"Alright time for the grand tour. This is the formal living room. And the kitchen is over here. Backyard with jacuzzi and pool out here. And then my favorite room is the game room." You slid open a large double door revealing the game room. The room was broken up in three sections first one held the pool table and foosball table. The second half had a huge u shaped couch and a projector screen and every video game console known to man. Finally the 3rd section had arcade style video game machines plus a board game table.

"How much money does your family have??? Sorry don't answer that it was rude to ask. This room is seriously cool though." He said.

"Haha that's okay. Yea I don't know how much money they have. They work in the medical field and travel all over selling state of the art medical devices but they also work for a large hospital chain. We actually used to live here until they got an opportunity to expand the business in Canada so we moved there for several years. They recently got a call to expand in the United states but I really didn't want to move there. So here i am and luckily they let me make some changes to the house seeing as I'll live here through the rest of High School and probably College. So wanna see the last bit of the house?" You said to stop your rambling.

"Sounds good" he chuckled.

You led him to the other side of the house. "These first 2 rooms are for guests, not much in there at the moment. This room here is my parents and back here is my room. Before you ask, yes it's the master bedroom which I didn't want but my parents insisted seeing as I'd be the only one living here with them just visiting for a few days every few months." You were embarrassed at this point. He probably just thought you were some spoiled rich girl you assumed.

You opened the door showing him your room. It was aggressively large, including a king size bed covered with fluffy pillows, a fur rug and lots of fun decorations. You showed him the attached bathroom. "This room and the game room are what I had remodeled.  I spend more time in the shower than most so I couldn't help myself." The shower had multiple heads one from each side, a rain shower and one that gave a waterfall effect. "I know it's a bit much but you'll just have to try it to understand!"

"That's probably the coolest thing I've ever seen" he said in amazement. That immediately made you feel better, maybe he didn't think badly of you.

"I'd better get going now, my mom will wonder where I am" he said rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment making you giggle. You walked him back to the front door. Having nearly reached the door he grabbed your wrist. "Thank you for inviting me in, your house is really cool. I also didn't get the chance to say it earlier but" he pulled you in close whispering in your ear. "You have a really nice ass" he kissed your cheek, smirked and left.

You couldn't help the blush that covered your cheeks. "That sly dog" you said locking the door and heading back to your room. What an interesting first day.

*Time skip*

School the next day seemed to drag along. You hated to admit it but you were excited to watch the guys practice again. When the final bell rang you hurried over to the gym taking a seat on the same bench as before. The boys slowly filed in from the locker room and began stretching.

"Okay round up boys" said a man you hadn't noticed walk up. He was honestly very handsome and you couldn't help but take notice. "I just wanted to go over a few things about our practice match on Friday. The Nekoma coach agreed to bring his team down for this practice match and also agreed to let us come to their training camp in a few weeks. Nekoma is going to be great practice for us, they have always been great with defense so today I want us to start with receives. Get started" he said releasing the boys to begin. He then turned towards you.

"So you must be Y/N, I'm Ukai the coach of this team. Sad I missed practice yesterday, the boys sure had some great things to say about you." He said extending his hand, you reached out to shake it.

"Its nice to meet you too. I hope it's okay that I'm here again today" you smiled.

"Absolutely, I can always use an extra set of eyes on these knuckleheads" he sat down right next to you. Practice began and you took notes of everyone's form and abilities.  They made a lot of mistakes, especially Hinata but they really were very talented. Hinata suddenly ran over to you.

"Can you help me with my receives Y/N?" He asked desperately.

"I don't mind, let me change real quick." You reached into your bag grabbing your clothes and started to head towards the locker room.

"What suddenly get shy?" Tsukishima teased as you were walking away.

"Who me? No not shy. Just didn't want anyone to pass out from blood loss" you winked and headed off to change.

You spent the rest of practice helping Hinata,  you really didn't know the fundamentals of volleyball. But you were a quick learner and had watched the other boys and showed him what you could. When practice was over you helped clean up the gym. Coach Ukai gathered everyone up and went over a few changes that needed to be made and then released the guys. Before everyone left you gathered up the courage to ask them a question.

"Hey everybody I know you have a game on Friday but I wanted to invite everyone over for a sleepover after. I don't really have any friends here yet but you guys have all been super cool. There will be pizza and video games!" You said nervously.

"You had me at sleepover!" Tanaka shouted. Hinata and Noya jumped up and down in excitement.

"Sounds good to me" Suga said and Asahi nodded in agreement.

"Okay awesome, I'm gonna head home now!" You said waving at everyone.

"Wait I'll walk you" Daichi said catching up to you taking your hand in his. The walk home was nice, the air a bit cool causing you to shiver. Daichi took off his jacket resting it on your shoulders.

"Well here we are" you said standing at your front door. He slowly moved closer and closer to you until you were pinned against the door. Tilting your chin up he lightly kissed your lips.

"Mmm, you have nice lips" he leaned back in kissing you again this time harder with more passion. The kiss escalated quickly, he picked you by your thighs wrapping them around his waist while deepening the kiss. His tongue wrestling yours for dominance, your breath becoming ragged losing yourself in the kiss. He then abruptly pulled away giving you a quick peck and sat your feet back on the ground.

"I'll see you tomorrow " he gave a 2 finger wave as he walked away.

"What the hell??" You yelled. "Gets me riled up 2 days in a row and just leaves" you said angrily under your breath locking the door behind you.

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