Chapter 3

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Friday was here in a blink of an eye and the practice game would begin soon. You made your way into the gym to help set up the court. You had just finished setting everything up when a group of guys in red jackets walked in. The guy in front caught your attention, he was very tall and his hair looked like he had just woken up. His eyes locked with yours and he gave you a very sexy side smile. "so these are the Nekoma guys" you thought.

They took the far side of the court and began stretching.  You could feel the tension was high in the gym, the boys seemed real nervous. Both teams soon began warming up so you made your way to the bench. You felt someone sit down next to you.

"So are you the girl manager I've heard so much about?" The messy haired boy asked.

"Hmm, on no that's Kiyoko" you said pointing to the dark haired beauty. "I'm Y/N, just new here and was invited to come watch." You explained.

"Well I'll just have to play my best then to steal your attention. Will you cheer for me?" He teased.

"Ha, we shall see. Maybe if you impress me, but you might wanna go warm up so you don't hurt your pretty little self" you said teasing right back.

He chuckled placing his hand on your knee to push himself up. "I'm Kuroo by the way, and its good to know you think I'm pretty" he winked and walked back to his team to continue warming up.

The game was about to begin so you decided to go to the upper part of the gym so you would have a better look at the court. 

You watched as the game progressed taking note of both teams abilities. Both Captains were great at receiving and keeping the team motivated.  Nekoma's setter was a surprise though, he seemed so quiet and antisocial but he was an excellent setter. You could tell he read his team well and read our teams moves even better. The first set ended faster than expected with Nekoma taking the win. Each team took a break to get water and catch their breath.

"Hey Chibi-Chan hold this for me" Kuroo called out to you, tossing his sweat towel to you.

"Why would I want to hold your sweaty towel" you said glaring at him. He just laughed it off going back onto the court to start the second set. You folded it over the rail in front of you continuing to watch the game.

The second set was taking longer and the team had called for a time out. Nekoma was still leading and Karasuno was struggling but slowly finding a groove. You grabbed the towel rushing downstairs to encourage them. You quickly gave everyone a high five even Tsukishima who rolled his eyes.

"I'm so proud of you guys, you're really starting to get some momentum" you exclaimed. "I'm sure you can win this"

You felt a hand graze across your ass and the towel being taken from your hands. "Sorry I needed this" Kuroo said looking down at you, wiping away the sweat from his face. He laid it on your shoulder and started to walk away. "Oh and I wouldn't bet on it if I were you " he said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and headed back upstairs.

The 2nd set continued both teams doing pretty well but Nekoma eventually took the win. Each team bowed to each other thanking the other for the game. You headed back down to the team. You walked over to Kuroo chunking the towel in his face playfully.

"Good game pretty boy" you said smiling heading back over to your friends. He chuckled while he watched you walk away.

"That was a great game guys, you really impressed me!" You said.

"Hold me beautiful, I'm exhausted" Noya wrapped his arms around you resting his head between your breasts. You laughed hugging him back.

"Its the least I could do for the amazing guardian of Karasuno" you said knowing he loved praise.

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