Ushijima final

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Five years had flown by in the blink of an eye and life had started to settle into a soothing rhythm. Ushijima still played professional ball, his talent only growing more obvious to the world with every game. You had really hit it big in your career and streaming was now an even more lucrative job than it had ever been. The best part of all of it though was the relationship between the both of you, you had both fallen into step together and conquered the world.

Your weeks were spent traveling for his games or traveling for your streaming events. You both had won countless awards and money was really never an issue, but something still felt like it was missing. One day you sat down Ushijima and explained your feelings.

"So I need to talk to you about something" you started. "I've just been feeling like something is missing in my life and I think it's time we make a big decision" you explained.

"You're worrying me, am I not giving you the attention you need?" he asked paranoid, he knew he had made you his priority but that didn't mean you felt that way.

"You give me plenty of attention, I've never been more happy in our relationship so don't worry. What I want....... Is a baby" you said looking down at your hands. "I know I've been the one putting it off but I really think I'm ready for that next step with you" you said nervously twisting your hands.

"You mean it?" he asked softly. He reached out and tilted your chin up so that he could see your eyes.

"Yes" you said feeling like your stomach was in your throat.

"That makes me really happy Honey, you know I've always wanted to have children with you. I still remember the baby names we talked about when we were just children in love" he said with a genuine smile.

 I still remember the baby names we talked about when we were just children in love" he said with a genuine smile

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"So we're doing this?" you asked.

"Absolutely, lets gets started now" he said standing up. He picked you up bridal style and carried you back to your shared bedroom.

"I'm still on the pill it wont work this time" you laughed.

"Well then we will just think of this as practice" he smirked.

He tossed you onto the bed taking you by surprise and he crawled on top of you, balancing himself on his elbows. He finger lightly traced down the side of your cheek and then glided across your bottom lip.

"You have only gotten more beautiful every day, I'm one lucky man" he complimented.

"Yes you are, but I'm also one lucky woman." You said looking up into his dark and serious eyes.

He started leaving feather light kisses all over your face and then worked his way down your throat and onto your chest. He sat up onto his knees and his fingers gripped the bottom of your shirt pulling it up and off.

"I love looking at your body, running my hands up and down your curves" he teased trailing his fingers along your sides making your hair stand on end.

"I would also like to look at yours" you said pretending to pout.

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