Chapter 40

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Walking into the gym for day two of the tournament was just as nerve wracking as day one. The guys seemed to be more at ease, you didn't know if it was a matter of confidence in their abilities or if they were genuinely excited to play. You on the other hand were very nervous, knowing that it would only get harder for them going forward.

"Will you stop it with the face?" Kuroo laughed from beside you.

"I'm not making a face" you gave his arm a light punch.

"I'd listen to him, you're starting to get deep wrinkles on your forehead" Tanaka joked as he ruffled your hair.

"I'm glad you guys can be so calm, knowing you most likely will be facing "The Great King" and Ushijima" you couldn't stop yourself from mocking Oikawa's title.

"Did you call me Princess?" an all too familiar voice said from behind you, with a deep sigh you turned around with a clearly annoyed face.

"Of course you would just happen to show up at this exact moment" you sneered at him.

"Well when a beautiful girl calls for me, I must entertain her, I like to think I'm a giving King." He said with a wink.

"A giver of headaches maybe" you rolled your eyes.

"I've given you much more than that, and I'd be down to do that again" he smirked and reached out running his fingers along your jaw. "You didn't cover my mark very well today" he teased as he slid his fingers down your neck over the darkened skin. You reached up slapping a hand over the area suddenly remembering it was there.

"That's enough Shittykawa" Iwaizumi said grabbing his wrist and pulling it away from you. "I'm sorry he bothered you" he said giving you a slight bow. He pulled Oikawa away after him towards the gym, in that moment though you wished he had dragged you away instead because now a dozen pairs of eyes were staring you down.

"Can we not judge me please?" you groaned still holding your hand tightly to your neck.

"It's bad enough you brought a Nekoma member, our sworn enemy, BUT NOW I FIGURE OUT YOU GOT A HICKEY FROM OIKAWA" Noya scolded.

"Did you..... did you... with Oikawa?" Hinata shyly asked.

"Are you just trying to collect all the Captains?" Tsukki said rudely.

"That's enough questions, come with my y/n" Kiyoko said stepping around them and grabbing your hand, she quickly led you to the nearest bathroom. Once inside she let you have a moment while she checked that the bathroom was empty.

"Are you okay?" She asked looking at you concerned.

"Yes I'm fine, I hate myself as much as they hate me for that one." You said shaking your head.

"It's none of my business, but if you hate him so much, why did you let him do this to you?" She asked as she lightly pressed her fingers to the slightly noticeable mark.

"I don't hate him...... I just think he is far too arrogant for his own good. Things honestly just got out of control the other day, I was literally telling him how awful he was and then he kissed me and I..... liked it, and then yea...." You gave your body a disgusted shake at the words that had just come out of your mouth.

"He is quite handsome, I can see how that would happen" She said laughing "Sometimes I wish I was as brave as you, you just follow your heart and have fun doing it" She blushed slightly saying it.

"If you keep blushing like that I might just get a lot more brave" You joked giving her a wink, her eyes went wide. "I'm only joking, Tanaka would be devastated and I could never do that to my best friend." You said laughing at her terrified expression.

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