Chapter 1

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(Accidentally got unpublished so reposting and trying to fix a few spelling errors if i catch them, sorry that your notifications are going to be spammed!)

*beep beep beep*

"Ugh" you groaned rolling over turning off your alarm. Today you started a new life basically, starting a new school, with no friends in a country you havn't lived in for years. To make matters worse school has already been in session for a few weeks so it'll be even more obvious that you're new. You sat up and stretched rubbing the sleep from your eyes and started your day.

Once showered and dressed you took a look at yourself in the mirror. The uniform for Karasuno High School wasn't terrible but you enjoyed the comfort of sweats much more.

"Here we go" you said to yourself in the mirror. Confidence wasn't an issue for you but that didn't mean that being stared at was fun for you either. You grabbed your skateboard and set off towards school. The school was only about 15 minutes from your house so the trip there ended much quicker than you wanted.

Once inside you were immediately lost.... great. Looking down at the simple map in your hands you tried to figure out where you were when you ran right smack in to the back of someone.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry" you said with a quick bow.

"That's okay Beautiful!" He said. He was rather short and had fun spikey hair with a blonde streak right up front.

"Beautiful huh?" You said with a laugh. "You're bold, I like that! Seeing as I'm obviously a dummy could you maybe show me the way to class?" You handed him your schedule.

"Sweet, looks like your in my class! Follow me!" He gave you a wink.

The class was only a few doors away. The teacher pointed to a desk towards the back by the window, your favorite spot! Sitting down you noticed that same guy was right next to you. You were pulling your notebook out of your bag when you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder.

"Excuse me, can you tell me if I just died and went to heaven?" You gave the guy who tapped you a confused look. "Because i swear there is an angel sitting right in front of me" he said with heart eyes, you couldn't help but laugh. For someone with a shaved head he sure was adorable.

"Is everyone here a charmer or are there just not many girls in this school?" You kept laughing.

"What's your name goddess?" He asked not even fazed.

"I'm L/N F/N, but you can just call me F/N or goddess works just fine" you gave him a wink.

"Pretty and witty!!! How lucky am I? Names Tanaka and this guy here is Nishinoya" he said pointing at the guy next to you who you now realized was right next to your face.

"Hey what are you doing after school?" Noya asked.

"You should come watch us practice!" Tanaka nearly shouted.

"I was going to ask her that Tanaka!" Noya complained.

Their wild energy made you start laughing again. "I'd love to come watch you guys!"

The teacher then called for the classes attention. "Oh crap. Here it comes" you thought.

"Okay class, you might have noticed we have a new student with us today. Ms L/N why dont you introduce yourself and tell us a few things about yourself" she motioned for you to stand. This is always the worst part about being new. You stood up and rather than walking to the front and making things even more awkward you decided to just do it from your desk.

"Hey I'm L/N F/N, I'm originally from here but have lived in Canada the last several years. I like video games, snacks , and anime." You very nerdily did finger guns and sat down. The boys burst out laughing at your introduction which your teacher didn't find amusing.

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