Owl Boy and Blue Eyes

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"I love....... Bokuto" you said smiling as his name left your lips.

"I think you mispronounced Daichi, try it with me, DDDDAAAAIIICCCHHHIII" Tanaka instructed squeezing your cheeks together as if that would help you pronounce it correctly, you laughed swatting his hand away.

"I mean it!" you chuckled. "I know you wont be happy with any option but this really feels right" you said growing slightly more serious.

"So how are you going to tell him then" Noya asked.

"Not telling! Lets get some sleep, ill need to leave early in the morning" you teased, you climbed under the covers and patted both sides of you inviting them to lay down as well.

"Coash is going to be pissed you missed practice" Noya said voicing his concerns.

"Seeing as she just flew him across the world and did gross things with him, he'll probably be okay" Tanaka joked before flopping down next to you.

"Gross isnt the word i would use, maybe naughty or toe curling but never gross" you teased.

"GROSS!!" Tanaka said trying to wiggle away as you wrapped an arm and leg over his body.

"What about me!!" Noya said plopping on top of the both of you laughing.

The next morning you woke up and got dressed in a sporty but cute look and took off towards Bokuto's school. They were on break as well but he had let you know they would be there practicing when you said you wanted to come see him. 

Your nerves started growing more intense as you neared his school, pulling into the parking lot you parked your bike and tried fixing your hands before walking in the door

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Your nerves started growing more intense as you neared his school, pulling into the parking lot you parked your bike and tried fixing your hands before walking in the door. The sound of sneakers squeaking across the floor made you feel instantly at home. Bo hadnt noticed you walk in yet and he launched himself into the air going for a spike. His back arched and you watched in awe as his hand smacked the ball with a loud thundering boom and it hit the ground on the opposite side.

 His back arched and you watched in awe as his hand smacked the ball with a loud thundering boom and it hit the ground on the opposite side

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When he landed his eyes were instantly draw to you, like he could feel you watching. His face broke out in to an adorable grin and he sprinted over swinging you up off the ground.

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