Chapter 47

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The sun was just beginning to peak through the curtains when you started to wake up. A mess of grey and black hair was curled under your chin with an arm and leg thrown over your torso and legs, ultimately trapping you to the bed. Slowly you inched your fingers onto the nightstand and pulled your phone closer.

You had just gotten it in your hand when it started ringing and woke up Bo, he sprung up looking around rapidly confused. He turned towards you and smiled really big and then face planted back into your chest, nuzzling in.

"Hello?" you said answering your phone.

"Y/n?" the hyper voice asked on the other end.

"Hinata why are you calling me when I'm just in the other room?" you laughed.

"Oh your door is locked so we couldn't come in, Daichi ordered us breakfast and I wanted you to come eat with us" he explained.

"You could have knocked, but that's really sweet, I'll be out there in just a sec" you laughed.

"Mmmm breakfast" Bokuto mumbled into your breasts.

"Lets go Daddy Owl" you said teasing him. His head shot up and his cheeks had a light pink dusting and his lips were turned up in a huge smile.

"I like that" he said his voice sounding husky from sleep. "Can you call me that all day?" he asked.

"We will see, now get off me" you joked as you playfully pushed his face away.

The two of you got dressed quickly and headed out of the room to meet up with everyone else. They had started to gather around but had saved you a seat at the head of the table. Walking to your chair you leaned in and gave Daichi a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for getting breakfast, let me know how much it was and I'll pay you back" you said taking the seat next to him.

"Don't worry about it babe" he smiled, his hair was a bit messy from sleep and it was adorable.

When breakfast was over the guys cleaned up the mess they had made and started heading out to their own homes. You noticed Tsukki was packing slower than normal and seemed to be really quiet.

"Hey Tsukki, can I talk to you for a second?" you asked stepping into the guest room. He paused for a minute but didn't turn around immediately, he finally sat his bag down and followed you into the game room away from everyone.

"What is it?" he asked, his tone a bit harsh.

"I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, that whole thing was a bit out of character for all of us." You explained.

"Regret it that much huh?" his jaw tightened more as he said it and his features looked harsh.

"Not at all" you said, his expression quickly changed to one of shock. "It's just I was told that it was probably your first time and I wish it would've been more special, if that makes sense" you looked down at your feet and twisted your hands slightly with anxiety.

"Don't worry about that, it was special" he said under his breath.

"Really? I'm glad you thought so, I just wish your first time could've been with someone you love" you said still feeling a bit bad about, he stepped towards you and pulled you into a hug. His lips lightly grazed your ear instantly relaxing your anxiety but setting everything else on fire.

"But it was" he whispered into your ear, he kissed your cheek and left quickly too nervous to stay after admitting his feelings.

"Awe Tsukki-poo!!!" you yelled out to tease him.

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