Valentine's special

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What do you do when 7 people ask you to be their valentine? You tried to avoid having to ask this question by staying at home the last few days. They had all stopped by or called periodically and you just avoided answering, because you didn't want to say yes to one and hurt the others and you really didn't think it would be okay to say yes to all. As the dreaded day drew closer they only got more persistent and you just couldnt handle it. So the day before Valentine's you messaged each one individually and asked them to come to your home by six sharp.

They each began to arrive a few minutes before six and you had them sit in the game room, each one looking more confused as they sat on the couch next to each other. Once all seven had arrived you took a deep breath and walked into the living room and stood in front of them.

"Thank you all for coming" you said greeting them formally only confusing them further. "I have invited all of you here to talk about tomorrow's holiday, its clear that all of you would like to be my Valentine. I have decided to just be my own Valentine because I don't want to have to turn anyone down" you said stating your side of the argument, knowing they were all about to go off.

"No way, there has to be another option!" Kuroo said being the first one to protest.

"Exactly don't be ridiculous!" Bokuto said jumping up determined.

"We could just decide by a coin toss" Daichi offered.

"Or we could just let the best man win" Oikawa said smugly knowing he was meaning himself.

"In that case I'm the only "Man" here" Ukai teased making you laugh.

"Which makes it harder for you to take her out anywhere comfortably" Tsukki said under his breath.

"Seeing as she was mine first I think I should be the choice" Ushijima said in his usual stern voice.

"Well seeing as you had your chance and lost her I don't think so" Kuroo said, his tone harsh.

"Okay that's enough guys! See this is why I don't want to be anyone's Valentine, its just going to create too much tension between all of you" you said with a heavy sigh.

"What if we just divide the day into seven parts so we can all be with you?" Bokuto suggested which surprised you, he might be smarter than people give him credit for.

"I thought of that but then I knew it would be an argument over who got what time" you said shaking your head.

"Give us some credit Princess, we can figure this out like gentleman" Ukai said trying to reassure you.

"We could just draw numbers for time slots, that way its random and fair" Tsukki suggested annoyed at the whole situation.

"I don't hate that idea, but everyone has to be in agreement" you explained. They all looked to one another for a moment and then they all shook their head yes. "Okay so I'm thinking one hour a piece?" you said as a question.

"That's not enough time, I need at least two" Oikawa insisted.

"But two hours a piece is 14 hours, that's majority of the day and that doesn't include breaks, I don't see how I can make that work" you explained.

Tsukki grabbed the notebook on the coffee table and started writing something down which pulled everyone's attention.

"So my suggestion is we start at 8am, then we do two hour intervals but give you 30 minutes in between incase you need rest, or to change" He turned the notebook around showing the time slots.

"Okay but just like I was saying that shows the last date wouldn't end until 1am! That's seriously too much for one day!" you tried to protest. "Plus whoever gets that last spot is missing out because I'll be exhausted by then" you explained.

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