Ukai 1

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"I love....... Keishin" your cheeks filled with a light blush at the sound of his name,

"Who? Tanaka and Noya asked confused.

"Oh sorry, Ukai" you said using the name they actually knew.

"His name is Keishin? Lame" Tanaka mocked.

"Stop it, I think his name is sexy" you said hiding your smile with your hands.

"You're only picking him because you just slept with him" Tanaka said trying to burst your happy bubble.

"You really are a pain, you know that?!" you snapped. "Don't assume things like that" you scolded.

"I'm sorry" he said bowing his head "That wasn't cool of me" he said apologizing.

"Its okay....... Still best friends?" you asked extending your hand towards him.

"Duh!" he said taking it in his.

"I'm feeling left out" Noya whined.

"Here" you laughed and reached your other hand for his which he happily took.

"Can I ask you a question?" Noya asked hesitantly.

"Of course" you encouraged.

"How is dating him going to work while your still in school?" he asked.

"To be honest I have no clue, he isn't a teacher so there isn't really any rules against it. The problem is people are going to have major issues with our age difference and the fact that I'm partially under his care due to my role with the team. I don't want people to think badly of him for something that I've encouraged, so I'm thinking we would need to wait till I graduate." You explained.

"Wont that be hard with seeing each other most days?" Tanaka asked concerned.

"For sure, its already hard to not openly flirt with him in front of you guys" you said shaking your head.

"So that was you secretly flirting?" Tanaka teased.

"Hate to say it but you were pretty obvious, and so was he" Noya added with a laugh.

"Well damn, guess I need to be more careful!" you laughed with them.

"Do you think he will be okay with waiting that long?" Noya asked making the laughing stop.

"I really hope so" you said, your tone softer from worry.

"That's a problem for tomorrow, lets get some sleep so he doesn't yell at us tomorrow" Tanaka said before crawling over and face planting into one of your pillows.

"Sounds good! Oh by the way, how did you guys know id be home today?" you asked as you situated yourself between them.

"We didn't, we have just stayed here every night and this was the first one you showed up" Noya said with a shrug.

"That's really sweet guys, thank you for being such good friends, I really love you guys" you said giving them each a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too" they both said under their breath in unison making you laugh.

In the morning you all hurried to get ready, but you did pause in the mirror for a minute to make sure you looked halfway decent before leaving. When you got to the gym the guys hurried off to get changed with the rest of the team and you walked in to the empty gym. Leaning against the wall you slid down onto your butt and closed your eyes still feeling sleepy.

"Why even show up if you're just going to sleep?" a familiar grumpy voice said. Looking up you were greeted by Tsukki who glared down at you.

"Hush! I wasn't sleeping, just resting my eyes" you joked.

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