Daddy! I mean Daichi 1

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"I love...... Daichi, obviously" you said smiling and opening your eyes. Noya and Tanaka high fived each other and both did a goofy celebration dance that made you laugh.

"Call him now!" Noya said excited and grabbing your phone. He thrust it into your hands and then looked at you intensely.

"I can't call him right now! Its too late, I'm sure he is asleep, plus I don't want to do it so simple. He deserves a grand gesture so help me come up with something!" You but your hands together prayer style and rested your chin on the top staring down both of them. The room was silent for several minutes as you all thought of options but nothing fully felt right.

"Lets just google it" Tanaka suggested. He pulled his phone from his pocket and began typing things in.

"How about at Nationals, I'll tell him right before he goes out on court to give him a burst of excitement?" you offered.

"Or he will be too focused on you rather than the game" Noya countered.

"True...... okay how about 90's movie style or prom-posal? I can make a big sign and surprise him at practice or at home?" you proposed.

"How about you hire someone famous to sing him a song?" Noya offered excited.

"I wouldn't even know how to get ahold of someone for something like that" you explained. "Did you find anything T?" you asked turning towards Tanaka.

"Huh?" he said only half listening.

"Are you even googling ideas?" you laughed.

"Oh yea, I forgot that's what I was supposed to be doing" he laughed back and slid the phone into his pocket.

"Well lets just get some sleep and think about it. I don't have to tell him right away, I have time to plan something." You said with a big yawn.

The three of you curled up together under the covers and were asleep within minutes. You slept surprisingly well even though your brain stayed in overdrive all night thinking of ways to confess. When morning came you still had no clue what you were going to do but decided to take a shower and just think about it later. When you got out of the shower the guys were hurrying to get dressed and leaving.

"Hey wait for me!" you said trying to find clothes.

"No time!" Noya said as he put his shirt on backwards.

"If we're late we will have to run, if your late... well he'll probably just kiss you and yell at us anyways" Tanaka laughed.

"I can be fast!" you said dropping the towel and quickly getting dressed. They both averted their eyes and left the room closing the door behind them.

You rushed to get dressed and put your hair up rather messily and grabbed your bag. Rushing to the door you had one shoe on when you opened the door and froze in place. Kneeling on the porch was Daichi, he had a large bunch of roses in his hand, and a heart made out of petals surrounding him.

 Kneeling on the porch was Daichi, he had a large bunch of roses in his hand, and a heart made out of petals surrounding him

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