Chapter 9

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  The first game in the qualifiers was against a team by the name of Tokonami. Looking at them you were not the most impressed, no-one really stood out or made you curious. That being said Karasuno still seemed very nervous and poor Hinata had gotten sick on the way here.

Being in the stands was a fun experience, but hearing the comments about your team started to get under your skin. So many people had questions about how Hinata was a middle blocker and why he was in the starting lineup. There were several "wingless crows" comments also that made your blood boil. Just as you were about to turn around and let these people have it, Hinata did his quick freak attack leaving the crowd astonished.

Smiling to yourself you turned back around to enjoy the rest of the game when the feeling of hot breath hit the back of your neck sending chills down your spine.

"For someone almost as pretty as me you sure have terrible taste" Oikawa whispered in your ear. Giving the meanest glare possible you turned in your chair towards him.

"My tastes for what?" you asked still glaring.

"Guys" he said bluntly. "You choose to hang around these untalented nobody's, when you could be fawning over me instead."

"Your right my taste in guys is terrible, because I thought you were handsome when I first saw you, now I can see how truly ugly you are." You spat back.

"You think i'm handsome?" he smirked

"Thought not think" your said turning back to the game.

"You better be careful, keep acting so mean and I swear ill fall in love with you" he turned your face back to his. He had a very devious smile on his face which made you blush and falter in your glare. "Awe a blush, now i'm sure to fall for you" he teased.

"You sure are full of yourself" you said rolling your eyes.

"I can make you full of me also" he winked. A hand came out of nowhere smacking him in the back of the head.

"C'mon shittykawa we need to warm up for our game" a handsome guy said. "sorry about him by the way, my names Iwaizumi."

"L/N but you can call me y/n" you said reaching to shake his hand. He took your hand in his giving it a gentle kiss.

"Nice to meet you" he said smiling.

"Iwa-chan back off she is mine" Oikawa whined slapping Iwa's arm away, he then leaned in kissing your lips trying to state his claim. You pulled away glaring at him again, and Iwa dragged him away to warmup. Lost in thought and fuming you didn't even realize that the first game was over and Karasuno had won.

Not knowing where they went you decided to creep over to Oikawa's game and see why Hinata called him "The great King". The game started with Oikawa serving and the moment he hit the ball you understood. His form was beautiful and the power with which he could hit a ball was insane. The sound of his palm hitting the ball made waves of heat flood your body. The crowd went wild due to his service ace and when he turned around to enjoy the praise he met eyes with you. You tried ducking down into the crowd but he just winked at you and turned back to the game.

Deciding to escape while he was distracted you set off to find out when and who the boys played next. Hurrying through the crowds you slammed into the back of a very tall, mean looking white haired guy and fell onto your butt hard. He turned around glaring down at you but his face instantly softened when he saw you. He reached down scooping you up bridal style and carried you to a nearby bench.

"Im really fine you don't need to carry me, its just a sore butt" you joked. He didn't say a word just sat you down on the bench and started to check you for injuries. "So you're the quiet type huh?" you teased. Once he was sure you were not hurt he turned and walked away without saying a word. "Thanks handsome" you yelled after him, he didn't turn back but you were pretty sure the tips of his ears were red.

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