Chapter 46

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The atmosphere after what happened in the Onsen was awkward to say the least. You thought both boys seemed to have finally come to their senses and now didn't know what to say. After getting dressed you paid the woman working the front desk of the Onsen, paying even more than necessary knowing what just happened in her pool of healing hot water.

The guys followed you in silence refusing to look at each other, which only made you laugh inside. You were honestly just as shocked by what had happened but they were only making it awkward. The three of you got on the train to take you back towards your neighborhood and then walked the short distance to your home.

Fatigue really started to set it once you got home and you could barely drag your feet along. The house was a noisy nuthouse when you got inside, the team was clearly excited by the win. Several guys were loudly playing against each other in video games while a few others cheered them on. The third years were playing pool with the Miya twins, and then you spotted Tanaka and Noya raiding your fridge.

"Welcome back, we were starting to wonder if you got lost" Ukai said stepping out of the bathroom and walking towards you.

Instead of saying anything you walked to meet him, you locked your arms around his neck and your legs gave out. The weight of your body started to pull him forward but he quickly reacted and swooped your legs up into his arms, holding you bridle style. You nuzzled into his neck and fell asleep almost immediately, his eyes quickly filled with anger and looked at the two guilty looking boys.

"What the hell did you do to L/N?" he questioned with narrowed eyes.

"Id rather not say" Bo said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Did you hurt her?" he questioned harder.

"No I wouldn't do that, we just...... you know...." Bo said nervously.

"I swear you kids will be the death of me, where were you in this Tsukki?" he questioned turning his anger towards him. "Decide to just stand guard for your buddy?" he asked angrily.

"No, I uh...." Tsukki started but wasn't sure how to finish.

"Wait! Hold on! Wait!" Tanaka exclaimed as it clicked in his brain what happened.

"Don't say another word" Ukai warned as he turned towards him. Tanaka pretended to zip his lips and throw away a key, when Ukai turned back around though he shot Tsukki a double thumbs up.

"Stop yelling at them Keishin, I'm sleepy take me to my room please" you asked in a quiet voice.

He stood there for a second fighting the feeling to yell at the guys again but instead thought about you. He turned and walked down the hallway not saying another word to any of them, once inside he sat you on the bed and went to the dresser to find you something to wear. Walking back over he sat them next to you but you shook your head no.

"I need you to put them on me" you said sleepily.

"Princess your making this really hard for me, its not my job to do this after you've been with someone else." He said slightly frustrated, he didn't mind taking care of you but knowing that you were only so tired from having been with someone else was hurting him inside.

Your eyes quickly opened and you found yourself to be wide awake at his words. "You can go, I've got it" you said pulling the clothes into your lap.

"No, I'll help you" he said pulling at them.

"I said I've got it" you said jerking the clothes away from him. On tired legs you pushed past him and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind you. Your legs gave out in seconds, leaving you sitting on the cold tile.

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