Chapter 6

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"I dare you to kiss...." looking around the room you tried to pick who would make Tanaka the most upset. An even more evil thought popped into your mind. "I dare you to kiss me" you said wiggling your eyebrows.  An immediate blush covered her cheeks and she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. You walked over to her and motioned for her to stand. Grabbing her hip and the back of her head you dipped her like they do in the movies and gave her a quick kiss. Everyone's mouth hit the floor. Standing her back on her feet you gave her butt a pat and went back to sit with Asahi. 

"Ummm... you might want to find somewhere else to sit" he said blushing.

"Oh you little perv" you said with a laugh. A pair of arms then locked around your waist dragging you into their lap.

"Good now you can sit in my lap" Kuroo whispered in your ear.

"Okay Kiyoko your turn" you said.

"Okay. Nishinoya truth or dare?" She asked.

"Dare! Hit me with your best one!" He nearly yelled.

Kiyoko sat there for a few seconds trying to think of a good dare. You mouthed the word "streak" to her.

"I dare you to streak to the end of the street and back" she said. Noya jumped up ripping his clothes off in record time and ran for the door. Everyone jumped to their feet running outside to watch him run to the stop sign. He had his hands in the air waving them around like a lunatic. He ran back to the house even quicker and launched himself into your arms.

"NOYA!!! GET YOUR NAKED ASS OF ME" you screamed while laughing hysterically. Noya let go running to put his clothes back on while everyone got seated again.

"Okay my turn!" Noya said excitedly. "Hmmm y/n truth or dare?"

"Why me again? There are still a few that haven't been asked at all" you complained.

"My turn, my choice" he smirked.

"Ugh fine. Let's go dare again"

"I dare you to go jump in the pool" he said.

"Well that seems easy enough" you laughed.

"In your underwear. Revenge for telling Kiyoko to make me streak" he crossed his arms giving you an evil smile.

You stood up "I'm gonna apologize in advance because I definitely didnt pick out this set with this situation in mind" you walked out the back door. Everyone followed you into the back yard. You quickly stripped off your shirt and bottoms then adjusted yourself the best you could. You were wearing a black lace thong with a matching bra. Jogging over to the pool you took a deep breath and dove in. The water was colder than you expected. 

"I'm going in" Kuroo stripped down taking off after you. The rest of the boys quickly followed stripping down and running your way. You braced for the many splashes but nothing came. Opening your eyes all you saw was a rather muscular chest. Kuroo had an arm on each side of you and he was shielding you from the incoming splashes.

"So decided to join me huh?" You teased.

"I just wanted to see this outfit of yours up close. I've gotta say the back is by far my favorite part" he slid his hand down the side of your body and around gripping your butt. His grip was firm and set your body on fire. Hinata suddenly swam up next to the two of you killing the moment.

"Y/n will you play chicken with me??" Hinata asked excitedly.

"Sure but give me one sec" you turned around lifting yourself up onto the pools edge leaving your butt in the air and legs dangling in the water. Kuroo had to quickly look away to keep from getting a nosebleed.  You reached for a small remote and clicked a few buttons. Lights clicked on in the pool making the water light up red.

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