Lucky number 7

596 9 5

"I love........." you said trying to say a name but nothing came out. "I love..." you said trying again this time with more force. "I...... i cant choose" you said opening your eyes and looking at your impatiently waiting friends.

"Just say a name, no pause just spit it out!" Tanaka encouraged.

"I cant, i tried but my brain is just screaming all their names at once, i cant decide." you said flopping down on the pillows behind you.

"Well its not like your in love with all of them so lets just narrow it down to who your torn between" Noya said trying to help. You grabbed the pillow from beneath you and covered your face with it knowing that what you had to say next would not only be shocking but completely bat shit crazy.

"I love all of them...." you whispered against the pillow.

"What was that?" Noya asked lifting the pillow and holding his ear very close to your mouth.

"I love them all" you said again before bringing the pillow back down to hide your embarrassed face.

"What did she say?" Tanaka asked confused.

"I don't know if I should say" he said being coy.

"Spit it out!" Tanaka yelled.

"She.... loves all of them" he snickered.

"That's it, I'm suffocating her" Tanaka said gently pushing on the pillow as you laughed and tried to get out from underneath it.

"But if you kill me I cant have my seven boyfriends" you joked trying to calm down your now disheveled hair from the pillow attack.

"You are going to be the death of me woman" Tanaka groaned and collapsed onto the pillow beside you. 

"What if they say no?" Noya asked flopping down on the other side.

"They probably will" you said with a fake chuckle to hide your insecurities about the situation.

"Be stupid if they did" Tanaka said grabbing your hand and holding it with his against his chest.

"You think so?" you asked trying to hold in the shake of your jaw.

"For sure, your hot, super cool, like to buy them things, and well...... your really just amazingly sweet and funny so they would be complete dumbasses to say no" he looked away to hide how shy he felt at saying sincere nice things about you.

"Thank you T, I needed that" You said snuggling up next to him.

"I can say nice things too!" Noya said cuddling up behind you, making all of you laugh.

You spent a bit longer talking and laughing with each other until everyone was too tired to form sentences and you all drifted off to sleep. When morning came you sat there with a cup of coffee in your hand and tried to figure out if there was anyway possible for a relationship to be possible when there are seven to balance at one time. The other puzzle to figure out though was how to even present it to them, is it a casual enough thing that you could just be like "Hey I'm in love with you x7 so lets go out". Don't really think that would work, nor would it be special for each person. They had confessed their love individually and deserved that in return, but even then theirs the problem, how do you tell one person you love them but you also love 6 other people, that doesn't seem sincere either.

Hours ticked by as you sat in that same spot, unmoving just thinking, running scenario after scenario. Find a way to confess and break someone's heart all in one go, sounds like such an asinine thing to do.  It started to feel hopeless and impossible and the pressure started to make you feel unwell. With a deep breath you took out your phone and sent a group message and hoped this wasn't the worst decision.

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