Chapter 12

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 "Hey boys" you said opening the door. They had shown up at almost the exact time you had guessed. They both stood there with shocked expressions, eyes wide and mouths gaping, faces slowly covering in a blush.

"What did I forget to put pants on?" you joked looking down at yourself. Both of them shakily raised a hand pointing at their heads. Reaching up you realized you still had on the cat ears and snatched them off hiding them behind your back. Kuroo walked up behind you taking them from your hands, placing them back on your head.

"Don't take them off, their cute" he teased. "Hey guys, sorry to hear about the game. Honestly I've never really liked Oikawa" he said as they walked in.

"What are you doing here?" Noya asked.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you guys that Kuroo is staying also, I already had plans with him before I invited you guys over so I hope that's okay" you said awkwardly.

Noya and Naka both looked at each other a bit annoyed, then shot slight glares at Kuroo. "So does this mean we don't get to sleep with you?" Noya said sounding rather upset.

"What?? Of course not! I'm excited for cuddles with me two best friends!" you said giving them a big smile. Their moods both shifted to be much happier. "So what would you guys like to do first?" you asked. Noya stood there looking around until he spotted your many shopping bags.

"Geez did you buy everything in the store?" he joked pointing to the bags.

"Haha right, I know it's a lot. Would you like to see what I got?"

"I feel like we need to see them on to get the full picture, right guys?" Kuroo joked.

"Oh absolutely"

"Couldn't agree more" they said.

"Ugh fine, as long as it'll make you guys happy" you said grabbing the bags and stepping into your bathroom. The next hour consisted of you flaunting in front of them in all of your new clothes as they oo'd and aa'd, rating every outfit a 10. After your final outfit you gave a few quick bows waving and blowing kisses like you were in front of a crowd making everyone laugh.

"Okay that's everything, glad you liked everything so much" you teased.

"What about those bags?" Noya said pointing to a few bags you didn't take into the bathroom.

"Oh those are for a surprise I cant tell you about yet and then one of them is just filled with swim suits" you said waving away the question.

"Wait a surprise?" Tanaka exclaimed. "For who?"

"I can't tell you until the training camp, and its for all of you and the Nekoma boys and maybe a few others we might meet at the camp" you explained. "Now no more questions!"

"But were sad, and maybe your surprise would make us feel better' Tanaka said sticking his bottom lip out trying to make himself look sad.

"You are such a fibber!" you laughed, but he continued to pretend pout. "Fine! I'm not telling you the whole secret though, just enough and you have to swear not to tell anyone else or ill cancel the whole thing, understood?" they all nodded in response. "So I've been planning a fun week long vacation for all of us after the training camp. I've worked out most of the details with Ukai and he is working with everyone's parents. I'm not going to tell you anymore until I tell everyone at the camp"

"Well if it involves you I'm down" Kuroo said with a smile.

"Psh simp" Tanaka said under his breath making you laugh.

"Now that our fashion show is over, how about we make cookies and then watch scary movies?" you asked.

"MMMMM COOKIES!!!" Noya cheered running towards the kitchen, you followed.

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