Chapter 28

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"So lets see... what shall I pick for my prize?" Tsukki scratched his chin pretending to think while he walked up to your side.

"Seeing as you cheated I really shouldn't give you a prize at all" you scoffed.

"You were planning on doing the exact same thing, so don't act like you are better than me." He glared down at you.

"Whatever then, just tell me what you want already." You demanded.

"Fine, for my prize I want you to be my girlfriend" He stated, a smile slowly creeping onto his lips.

"I DON'T THINK SO FOUR EYES" Kuroo said walking up and pushing Tsukki's shoulder hard. You reached up grabbing his hand and pulled it behind your back, holding it tightly.

"Tsukki that isn't a prize that I can give, I'm not the dating type trust me. Please pick something else" you pleaded looking up at him.

"So you are refusing to give me what I want?" he asked in a daring way.

"Tsukki.... Just come with me please?" you used your free hand and reached out to Tsukki. He hesitated but eventually took your hand, you released Kuroo's hand and guided Tsukki down by the water where you had walked the day before.

Both of you were silent for a few minutes, you were embarrassed by what had just happened and didn't know where to start the conversation. Taking a deep breath you looked up at him, you noticed he looked just as uncomfortable as you felt, which was relieving.

"Tsukki, I appreciate that you would want me as your girlfriend. I honestly could not be more flattered, you are a wonderful guy and dear friend. You put off this angry unapproachable aura but I can see past that to the sweet, kind, smart guy that you are. I can't date you though. I know that probably hurts to hear, and its cliché to say but it has nothing to do with you. I don't really talk about my previous relationships and there is a reason for that. My last relationship hurt, it changed almost everything about me. I didn't like myself, he made me feel so unworthy and wrong. Nothing I ever did was good enough, he didn't like the way I acted, talked, dressed, or even looked most of the time. I was just in such a low spot in life though that I let him treat me that way, and it just dug my miserable hole deeper. I was so thankful the day he broke up with me, he had found a new shiny toy to tear apart and I felt bad for her but it freed me from that hell. On that day I swore to myself I would never let myself be that way again, that's why I do what I want, wear what I want, and act how I want. I'm just now really finding the happiness I missed for so long, and thanks to all of you I feel like I have a family again." The truth and emotions spilled out in a rush.

"You don't need to get so sentimental, it was only a joke" you could tell by his face he was just lying and putting up his defenses. Deciding to play along you pretended to laugh.

"Geez couldn't have said that before I blabbed my whole backstory" you joked. He stopped and looked down at you, his eyes softer than you expected.

"You do know I would never treat you like that right? You may be annoying shortcake but I like you just the way you are. I just wish that others didn't like you so much" he looked back ahead and continued walking, still holding your hand.

"Yea I sometimes wish the same thing, because as much as I talk a big game about not wanting a relationship I can feel myself developing feelings. Scares the hell out of me to be honest." You explained.

"Well if it wasn't obvious I think they have feelings for you too, I think some of the rest of us do also" he said glancing down at you.

"I really can't blame anyone for that, I'm pretty damn awesome" you smirked up at him. "So we still need to find a fair enough prize for you, have you thought of anything?" you asked.

"Just to check, it's a firm no on the whole be my girlfriend thing?" He joked.

"Yes, it's a firm no!" you laughed.

"Okay then what I want, is to spend the rest of the day with you alone. I also want you to bake me my favorite cake when we get back home, is that fair?" He asked.

"That sounds like a great prize to me Tsukki-poo" you said smiling up at him.

"I wish you wouldn't call me that" he chuckled.

"Whatever you know you love it! So.... since you have the whole day with me, what would you like to do?" you asked.

He looked like he was in deep thought for a minute "Do you think you could get us some kayaks?" he asked.

"For sure, I just need to make a call!" you turned pulling him back towards camp where your cellphone was.

Everyone was dead silent when you got back to camp, you walked past those who were staring, leading Tsukki to your tent. You stepped in grabbing your phone, making a quick call. Stepping back out you flashed him a bright smile.

"Okay they will be delivered in 2 hours, what shall we do till then?" you asked. He looked around at the angry faces staring at him and took your hand in his. He tilted your face up towards his and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.

"I've got a few ideas" he said rather loudly and pulled you back into the tent, zipping it shut behind him. He pulled you into the bedroom area and started to dig through your bag. "Here put this on" he said tossing you a shirt, you forgot the one you were currently wearing had paint on it. He kept digging through the bag while you swapped shirts, he then pulled out a book you had been reading. "I want you to read this to me" he stated handing you the book.

"Are you serious? I'm terrible at reading out loud, plus this doesn't really seem like a book you would be into." You questioned.

"Don't ruin this shortcake, just lay down and read to me" He stated pointing to the bed.

"Fine Mr. Bossy Britches!" you said sticking your tongue out at him. You crawled onto the bed propping up against a few pillows with the book in hand. He took his glasses off laying them down in your bag and crawled onto the bed as well. He laid his head down in your lap and placed your free hand on his head. He closed his eyes and waited for you to begin.

"This won't be one of those cheerful stories that start with "Once upon a time". This story also won't have a happy ending you see, because THIS story is about me." You said reading the first line of the book as you scratched his head softly. You continued to read to him the first several chapters of the book, you were sure he had fallen asleep after the first chapter but didn't stop just incase.

You could hear the other guys outside wondering about, a few had chosen to go swimming, while the others played volleyball or on the ATV's. The two hours flew by and you only knew they were over when someone called your name from outside the tent.

"Y/n?" Suga said.

"Come in" you called back. You could hear the tent unzip and he stepped in peeking his head around. "I'm in here". He followed your voice to the little bedroom you were in, he took in the sight of Tsukki laying in your lap asleep.

"I didn't mean to interrupt" Suga smirked "I just wanted to let you know some guy dropped off a couple of kayaks and I signed for them, hope that's okay" he said.

"Of course, thank you for doing that. Tsukki wanted to go kayaking with me so I had to make it happen" you said smiling.

"Looks like kayaking isn't the only thing he wanted to do" Suga said wiggling his eyebrows at you.

"Its pretty cute huh?" you asked giggling.

"Its hard to sleep with you two girls talking so much" Tsukki said grumpily waking up.

"My bad!" Suga said raising his hands up defensively and left the tent.

"Sorry Tsukki, but now that you are up lets go have some fun" you said ruffling his hair.

*Okay thats all the chapters for this week. Glad to be back on schedule, and was actually not having writers block so that was nice! Feelings are flying at this point, still slowly deciding who the reader should end up with, but would love some input. But i love all of your comments so feel free to ask, suggest, or say anything!

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