Chapter 19

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Breakfast had passed hours ago but you stayed hidden away in the girl's room to avoid the embarrassment of this morning. Every time you tried to get up and leave, memories of the dream flashed through your head making you flustered. A few of the boys had come periodically to try and coax you out of the room, but you just hid further under the covers ignoring their knocking.

"Y/N open the door" Ukai said knocking on the door.

"No thank you" you said rolling over.

"I'm coming in" you could hear the key being slid into the lock on the door and he opened the door wide.

"Y/N!!!!" Hinata said running in the door and tackling you. More of the boys started to pile into the room surrounding you, you pulled the covers up over your head to avoid their stares.

"Will you stop being dramatic and just come out already?" Tsukki said in his usual snarky tone. You slid a hand out flipping him the bird.

You could feel someone lay down on the side you were facing and they started lifting the blankets. Daichi poked his head under the blanket, bringing it right next to yours.

"Why wont you come out? I promise no one will tease you if that's what you're worried about" he had a genuine smile on his face.

"I heard a few of them laughing as I left earlier" you said furrowing your eyebrows which made him laugh.

"They wern't laughing at that, they were laughing about how loud you yelled and slammed the door" he kept laughing so you reached out punching his arm.

"Its not funny, I was embarrassed!" you said starting to shout again, he quickly brought his lips to yours giving you a sweet kiss.

"You shouldn't be, most of us are just jealous we wern't in it" he said with a smirk.

"Well..... technically you guys were, you were all just asleep...." You mumbled under your breath.

"We were all in the room sleeping in the dream? Geez you perv, couldn't even do it somewhere private?" he teased laughing. His laugh was contagious and you couldn't help but laugh too, he lifted the covers off of your faces.

You looked around the room, the entire Karasuno team was there "Sorry guys, I'm good now" you sat up smiling at them.

"Good let's get to practice" Ukai said with a clap and started ushering everyone out of the room. You stood up to follow tying your hair back from your face.

"Are those volleyball earrings???" Hinata asked excitedly.

"Yes! Arnt they cute? They were a gift!" you smiled flicking your eyes towards Ukai.

You followed everyone down to the gym and took a seat on the bench closest to where they were playing. Observing the guy's you could see how much they were already improving and the new fun things they were trying were slowly starting to payoff. You grabbed Kiyoko and Ukai and started telling them all of the things you had learned from watching Bokuto's team.

"This is great info to have, but can you teach them all how to do it?" Ukai asked. The rest of the day you spent interrupting the practice matches to correct form, and teach them the tips you had learned from observing. By the end of the day you could see a significant difference and it made everyone excited.

This is how the next few days went, you would observe the other teams and bring the information back to your team. Their improvement only got greater as the days went by and their confidence was growing. Somehow even with watching the other teams you avoided speaking to most of them, choosing to watch from afar and avoid speaking of the other morning. You even went as far as sleeping in the girl's room to avoid any alone time with the guys.

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