Ukai 2

594 19 16

The next few weeks after your confession were spent training the team together, dates consisted of coffee before practice, being together at his store or him coming over on his nights and weekends off. Both of you were on edge until the day of Nationals arrived and you were happy to get it over with so life could calm down for a while.

The bus pulled up to the arena Nationals was held at and everyone sleepily exited the vehicle having slept most of the ride there. You had slept on Tsukki as usual, he had been a bit hurt when he learned about you and Ukai but had eventually gotten over it and settled on being your friend.

Walking up to the front door you were surprised to see Ushijima standing by the entrance, his big stature scaring some of the viewers who came to watch the games. Your stomach turned knowing that you weren't ready to tell him it was over. You looked over your shoulder at Ukai who had also spotted him, he gave you a simple nod encouraging you to go talk to him. Taking a deep breath you maneuvered around a few people and set your eyes on him. When he noticed you he smiled and came down the front steps to meet you.

"Hi Honey" he said pulling you into his arms and placing a kiss on your head. "This is for you" he said pulling a rose from behind his back. "I wanted to get you a full bouquet but didn't know where you would put it for now" he explained.

"Thank you, this is perfect. What are you doing here?" you asked.

"I wanted to come support you" he explained.

"That's really sweet Ushi, I........ can we go talk for a minute?" you asked knowing it would be better to get it over with sooner rather than later.

"Sure, where to?" he asked offering you his hand. You made one more look over at Ukai who was entering the building but looking over his shoulder at you. You took Ushi's hand and led him away from the building to a small grove of trees that had a bench. He sat down and pulled you into his lap, you moved to sit next to him but he locked his arms around your waist.

"I think this would be better to say when I'm not in your lap" you explained hoping the hint would get through to him.

"This isn't the first time you've broken up with me, but this could be the last time I hold you like this so just stay here please?" his stoic face asked.

"I... I'm just sorry. You really are a fantastic guy and as stupid as it sounds it really isn't you it's just me. My heart decided on someone else and as scared as I am I need to follow it. I hope you don't hate me because I really have love for you. You are an amazing guy and you made me feel so special and spoiled and I can never repay you for that. You really have helped me heal and have always been there for me" You sniffled and small tears began to form.

"Don't be sorry, I should've just been better when you were mine. I messed up my chance by taking you for granted and then you were amazing enough to let me back in but just in a different way. I have no regrets, spending time with you, kissing you and loving you has been more than I could ask for. I'm sorry that I'm not as open with my emotions as I could have been, I know I can be hard to read sometimes, but I do care for you, I honestly do love you" He explained.

"I've never thought of you as hard to read, I know others can find you scary or too focused but you were always different for me. Your smile is amazing and it shocked others but it always filled me with butterflies. Thank you for being my first love, I'll never forget that" you said wrapping your arms around his neck.

"And I'll never forget you, there will never be another Y/N." he said hugging you back. You guys sat like that for a long time, each not ready to let go.

The sound of the announcer saying your team name pulled both of you back to reality. He slid you off of his lap and back onto your own feet.

"I better get going" he said looking over your head avoiding your eyes.

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