Chapter 32

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It had been a week since the unforgettable camping vacation. Coming back to an empty house had been hard, it made you feel spoiled to say but you missed always having someone to sleep next to. Karasuno had been very busy with training for the spring qualifying rounds, which meant your days and nights were filled with watching them train to exhaustion. The determination these boys had really left you speechless most days.

The day of the qualifiers arrived in the blink of an eye and your nerves were on edge. Everyone seemed more quiet than usual, even Noya was quiet, making your nerves that much worse. Poor Hinata got sick on the bus again, and his knees were shaking.

"You okay Hinata? You look like you're about to be sick again" you said raising your hands and taking a step back from him.

"Just thinking about Hinata's puke makes me want to puke myself" Yamaguchi said covering his mouth.

"Me too, I've got a lot of anxiety now" Asahi added.

"Okay encouraging speech time" you said clapping your hands together, everyone stopped talking and looked towards you. "I know there are a lot of nerves after having lost last time, training camp was also a bit of a wake up call." You said with a shrug, everyone's shoulders slightly drooped further. "That being said all of you improved beyond measure, I am seriously proud of you. I 100% believe you are going to win this, I'll be screaming for you from the stands so do your best! Now I know its cliché but everyone put your hands in" you reached your hand out, slowly the guys got up adding their hand on top of yours.

"You too Tsukki-poo" you said teasing him with a smile, he rolled his eyes but added his hand to the mix "Okay on three! One, two, three" you called out.

"Karasuno!!!!" everyone cheered together and threw their hands in the air.

Everyone gathered and started to enter the gym, you followed them out but knew before the game you would need to make your way up to the stands. A few guys from the other team were on the other side of the net, talking rather rudely.

"Shaved heads are seriously lame dude, do you have lice or something?" one called out, clearly making fun of Tanaka. Deciding to do something shocking you walked over and grabbed Tanaka's head, pulling it down to your mouth you licked it and flipped off the guys on the other team. Tanaka's ears turned a bright red, you realized his face was practically shoved into your breasts.

"Oops sorry Tanaka" you said releasing your hold on his head. The guys on the other team looked terrified, their cheeks were a slight pink though which made you laugh.

"What the hell was that!" Tanaka whisper shouted.

"They were making fun of your sexy shaved head and I simply couldn't allow that" you said laughing.

He looked deep in thought for a second "Ill allow it" he then turned and went up to spike a ball. "TAKE THAT DAMNIT" he shouted as he slammed the ball down onto the opponents side, the already terrified boys looked even more terrified.

"I think my work here is done" you said cheerfully and started to make your way off the court.

"Hey Beautiful wait a second" Daichi called out to catch your attention. "I need a good luck kiss" he said with a half smile.

"You don't need it but ill gladly give you one" you said flashing him a smile. He pulled you into his arms, pressing his lips to yours. When he pulled back from the kiss, he planted a small peck on the tip of your nose.

"Just what I needed" he chuckled.

"Want me to lick your head too?" you joked.

"In front of all these people? You naughty girl" he teased, Your cheeks flushed red at his words. He turned you back towards the way you were originally headed and gave your butt a pat.

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