Chapter 26

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You could hear someone aggressively whispering outside of your tent so your eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Get out here bedhead we had a deal!!" Bokuto whisper shouted. Kuroo sat up and stretched, he then went to the small window of the tent unzipping it just enough for his eyes to peek out.

"I dont know what you're talking about" Kuroo chuckled looking back at your half asleep confused face.

"Liar! You know exactly what I'm talking about, now get out here" Bokuto said raising his voice slightly.

"You better be quiet or you will wake y/n" Kuroo said zipping the window back shut.

"That's it! If you wont come out then I'm coming in!" Bokuto marched over to the front of the tent unzipping it and letting himself in.

"I'm coming chill" Kuroo laughed, he leaned over the edge of the bed planting a kiss on your lips. Grabbing his shirt from the floor he started to unzip the door to your room of the tent but Bokuto beat him to it.

Bokuto looked from Kuroo's face and then down to yours, you were propped up on your elbows with your eyes just partially open smiling at him. He turned and started pushing Kuroo out of the tent "It's my turn now" he chuckled zipping the door back after Kuroo had stumbled out. He came back to your little room stopping to stare at you.

"What's going on Bo?" You asked still not understanding what just happened.

"We had a gentleman's agreement that noone would sleep with you" he said crossing his arms in frustration.

"Why would you do something stupid like that? I hate sleeping alone" you yawned out. He stood there staring at you as if waiting for something.

"C-can I sleep with you?" Bokuto said under his breath.

"I thought you guys had an agreement" you laughed but flung the blankets off your body to the side. He took that as a yes and crawled into the bed, he laid directly on top of you. His legs between yours and his head resting on your chest, wrapping his arms behind your back.

"The agreement is off now, so I'll do whatever you'll let me" he said nuzzling into your chest.

"When you said sleep with me I thought you meant next to me not on me" you chuckled, his body was heavy but not so bad that you couldn't breathe. You ran your fingers through his soft grey locks and slowly drifted off to sleep.

A few short hours later you could hear people starting to stir outside. Bo had started waking up also and decided he needed a stretch. He reached out his arms and legs as far as they would go, putting all of his weight on you and he yawned very loudly.

"Your squashing me Bo" you rasped out.

"Oops sorry Baby, here I'll fix this" he wrapped his arms back around your back holding tightly and rolled onto his back putting you on top. You sat up and playfully took several deep breaths.

"Geez almost killed me" you laughed hitting his chest with your palm.

"Sorry! I do have to say I like this position a lot better though" he cheekily smiled placing his hands on your hips.

"Do you now? I wonder why" you chuckled slightly rocking your hips back and forth. His eyes lit up with excitement and he smiled biting his lip.

"Can you do that again?" He asked.

"What this?" You asked rocking your hips again.

"Yes that" he growled out.

"I would, but I cant" you laughed crawling off of him. "Everyone is either awake or almost awake and I have to help Suga make breakfast."

Bokuto sat up quickly "YOU TEASE!" He shouted, you burst out laughing. After having caught your breath from laughing at his disappointed face you walked over to him.

"I'm sorry Bo, I promise I'll make it up to you when their isn't 20 people outside listening" you grabbed his shirt collar pulling his lips to yours in a rough kiss.

Walking away you grabbed a change of clothes and your cosmetics bag. Stepping out of the tent you stretched and caught a few red faces staring at you.

"What?" You questioned, Asahi motioned towards your legs. Glancing down you laughed "Oh pants! My bad forgot about those. Can someone give me a ride to the bathrooms?" You asked.

"I've got it guys" Daichi said stepping out from behind a few of them. You slipped on the shoes resting outside your tent and he took your free hand leading you to the ATV'S.

He swiftly picked you up and mounted the vehicle, he sat your butt between his legs on the seat and let your legs dangle over his to the side. He started the ATV and began following the signs to the restroom.

"If your trying to make all of those guys fall for you, wearing no pants just might work" he teased planting a kiss on your cheek.

"I just thought I'd brighten their day with my shiny hiney" you said flashing him your most charming smile.

"If that's the case, I'm having the worst day and need some day brightening" he laughed out. He pulled up the bathroom and helped you off the ATV. You quickly entered changing clothes, brushing your teeth and hair and went back out to him.

He was very handsomely leaned against the back of the ATV with his arms crossed across his chest. "Damn where is a camera when I need one" you joked walking up towards him.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"You just looked very handsome is all, would've made a nice phone background." You explained with a shrug.

"Oh, so you like me enough to look at me that often?" He teased wiggling his eyebrows.

"I instantly regret saying that" you said rolling your eyes. He grabbed your waist pulling you close to him, he pulled your phone from your back pocket and opened the camera app. He held the phone out at arms length and kissed your forehead while he snapped a picture, he then titled your chin up kissing your lips and snapped another. He took several more pictures in varying poses, for the last one he turned you around, holding the camera in front of the two of you he snapped a picture of you both smiling with his arm wrapped around your waist.

"Here is your phone back" he slid the phone back into your pocket "Hopefully you like one of those enough to make it your background. I would also like some for my background but we will take those another time" he said with a wink. He released your waist and mounted the ATV and held out a hand to you "Come on Princess I'm hungry" he flashed you an adorable smile.

"Princess?" you laughed placing your hand in his, stepping up onto the ATV sitting behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist.

"My apologies I meant My Queen" he chuckled lifting your hand up to kiss it, then placing it back at his waist. He started the ATV back up and set off back to camp, one hand steering the other holding yours, gently stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.

*Hello Beautiful people! I know this chapter was delayed (and short), was on vacation visiting my family and then got some bad news from work so just wasn't in the right headspace to write. Felling much better now though, and i plan to put out 2 more chapters for this book, later this week to get back on my posting schedule. Thank you for the feedback last chapter and for the consistent few of you that are enjoying this story!

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