Chapter 48

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It was 9am and you sprung up in bed as your alarm went off, you quickly turned it off and hurried into the shower. Once you had scrubbed from head to toe you got out and quickly got dressed in something comfy enough for a long plane ride. You had stayed up the night before planning the trip, booking the hotel, and even calling your mom about needing to use the jet. The problem with the jet was you also had to agree to come visit her in the next few months.

You had packed your bag last night and had it sitting by the door, at 9:50 you were ready to go and just waiting for Ukai to arrive. You had told him to be there by 10 and at 1 minute till he knocked on the door. Flinging it open you pulled him inside and hugged him tightly.

"Well good morning to you too" he chuckled and hugged you back.

"Sorry I'm just excited" you laughed releasing him from the hug.

"So where are we going?" he asked.

"I can't tell you yet, you brought your passport though right?" you asked concerned.

"Yep I've got it right here" he said pulling it from his pocket.

"Okay perfect let's go, I've got them already preparing the jet. I really hope you brought something to entertain yourself because its going to be a long trip" you teased looking at his small gym bag of clothes.

"I'll have you, what more entertainment do I need" he smirked.

"Well I'm going to be sleeping for most of it so your going to be very bored" you laughed grabbing your bag from the floor "Lets go handsome" You added opening the door. He followed you out to a car that was waiting. After a short trip you both arrived at the tarmac and loaded onto the jet that was ready and waiting. You went to greet the pilot as Ukai found both of your seats and an attendant came to take your bags to store them. You made your way back to your seat across from Ukai and plopped down excited.

"So can I know now where we are going?" he asked.

"Wont it ruin the surprise if I tell you now?" you asked in return.

"I don't think so, I'll be excited either way. I just want to know what we are doing" he shrugged.

"Okay fine I'll tell you where we are going but what we are doing has to stay a surprise deal?" you asked offering him your hand to shake.

"Deal" he said taking your hand in his and interlocking his fingers.

"We are going to Los Angeles and Anaheim California" you said with excitement.

"I've never been to the US before, I should've practiced my English more" he said looking slightly nervous.

"Don't worry about it, I speak perfect English thanks to my parents constantly traveling" you said waving away his worry.

"Also I don't want to be "This guy" but isn't this a rather expensive getaway?" he questioned.

"Seeing as its going to cost me a trip to see my parents, yes its very expensive. To make it up to me though you can just have a really amazing time and forget about the money cost of things because that honestly doesn't matter." You smiled at him instantly easing his worries.

"Can I ask you one more question?" he asked.

"Yes you can also pay me back with your body" you said playfully.

"That wasn't my question but I do like that answer" he laughed but then his face got slightly more serious. "Why did you pick me to come on this trip?" he asked.

"Pick you? You act like I had this planned beforehand" you said looking at him confused. "I made all the plans for this trip after I talked to you last night, every plan I've made is because I thought it would be fun to experience with you." you explained.

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