Chapter 43

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*Two chapters on the same day? Yes i couldnt help myself!

After locking the door and finishing getting dressed you finally headed out to see your guests. Most of the team had shown up other than a couple of the 2nd years and Yachi which had made you a little sad. Most of the guys had made their way to the food and were either sitting at the table or standing around the kitchen island eating.

Oikawa had weaseled himself into a conversation with Hinata and Suga as he ate a piece of pizza. You could see a few people were glaring at him, you were sure it was from some harsh feelings due to the intense match earlier.

"Well hello boys, glad you could make it!" you said stepping into the kitchen catching their attention. "I'm guessing you have already gotten acquainted with my house guests" you said motioning towards the twins.

"Yea they were nice enough to let us in" Tanaka said looking at them crazily. "I'm not sure I like them" he whispered to you as he walked past.

"Me either T, me either" you whispered back.

"T huh? I like that!" he said nudging you with his elbow.

"Do I get a new nickname too?" Noya asked as he walked over to the two of you.

"But Noya is already a nickname" you laughed.

"I want a new one though!" he pleaded.

"Okay I'll think of one, give me some time!" you said holding your hands up in playful defense.

"Do I get a nickname also?" Daichi whispered in your ear catching you by surprise.

"I already slipped and called you daddy, what more could you want?" you teased.

"Just wanted to hear you say it again is all" he laughed, he kissed your cheek and went back over to the food.

Everyone ate in small groups chatting after that, you had made your way over to a seat between Ukai and Hinata who was sitting by Oikawa. The guys seemed to get along well enough with the twins and Oikawa but you could still feel a slight tension in the air. The tension only thickened once they learned who the twins were and what school they played for.

"I've got to admit I'm a little concerned about these guys staying in the house with you, especially with you not really knowing them" Ukai said under his breath to you as he looked at the Miya twins.

"Don't worry they are relatively harmless, Atsumu is a bit of a flirt but Osamu seems to keep him in line and seems to be a gentleman so I think I'll be okay. I also probably wont be alone with them, I have all of you tonight and probably tomorrow depending on how things go. Then after that they will only be here a few more days and I can always have Bo or Kuroo come stay with me." You said shrugging off his worry.

"Speaking of the bedhead boy, did you guys talk it out yet?" he asked.

"No, I should probably go call him" you said, you quickly excused yourself from the table and went back to your room. You locked the door behind you and pulled out your phone to call him. It rang a few times before he finally answered.

"Hey" he said.

"Just hey? Man I really must've made you upset, can we talk about it?" you asked.

"Its not a big deal, I just let my jealousy get the best of me." He explained.

"It is a big deal, if your upset I want to know why so I can know how to make it better. In this situation I know its because of how I reacted about Daichi, problem is I cant really apologize for reacting that way. I would've done the same thing if it had been you, or anyone else on my team. Please know that I really do like you a lot, and I'm sorry that I've tied up your emotions so much in this, I really didn't mean to." You said apologizing.

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