Chapter 29

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The sun was beginning to set, casting beautiful colors across the waters surface. Small waves from the wind lightly rocked your kayak side to side. Tsukki and you had paddled around the lake for hours, talking and splashing each other as you went. Now the two of you sat a good distance from the shore watching the sunset together.

"This was really fun Tsukki, I'm glad you chose this as your prize" You said flashing him a bright smile. The tips of his ears turned bright red, and he turned his face away.

"It was okay I guess" he shrugged trying to act like he didn't care.

"Okay Tsukki" you rolled your eyes "you know if you wanted me to actually believe you didn't like it, you should've covered the blush on your cheeks" you teased.

"It's a sunburn boke" he whipped his head towards you glaring.

"We better go put some aloe on it then, because its very pink" you laughed out. You used your oar to push away his boat and turned heading back towards shore.

It only took a few minutes to get back to shore where Daichi was waiting. He walked out into the water grabbing the end of your kayak and started pulling it towards the shore. He pulled it up into the sand and extended his hand to you.

"Thank you handsome!" you said grabbing his hand letting him pull you from the boat.

"Anytime beautiful" he planted a quick kiss on your cheek.

"Id appreciate it if you didn't touch my girlfriend like that" you heard a deep voice say from behind you. Your eyes went wide with shock when you turned around to find a grumpy looking Ushijima.

"What did you just call me?" you asked confused. Kuroo strode up at that moment, resting an arm on Daichi's shoulder.

"They heard me clearly" Ushijima said sternly, staring down the guys.

"Well I hate to tell you man, but I gave your "Girlfriend" cunnilingus on my couch" Kuroo said with a smirk.

"This is really who you choose to associate yourself with y/n?" Ushijima asked now looking at you with narrowed eyes.

"What did you really expect was going to happen? Everyone knows for a fact that I don't have a boyfriend, and we haven't been together in years" you said motioning between the two of you.

"Once mine, always mine" He said, he grabbed you throwing you over his shoulder and turned to walk away from the group that had started to gather.

"Ask him how my dick tastes y/n" Kuroo called out at the two of you as you walked away. You were about to respond with something snarky when Ushijima interjected.

"It'll be too hard for her to talk while she chokes on mine" He called back. Your eyeballs went wide as saucers, and your brain couldn't even compute what he had just said. Kuroo and Daichi looked as shocked as you, and neither one could think of something to say back.

"WHATDIDHESAY??????" Noya and Tanaka said in unison watching as the two of you walked further away.

You got your bearings back as you got closer to Ushijima's truck. He sat you on your feet by the passenger side and opened the door for you to get in. Once in he shut the door behind you and went around to the other side and climbed in.

"So are you going to explain what that was about?" you turned to him looking amused.

"Simple, I don't like other guys touching you." he stated matter of factly. "I should be the only one touching you" he leaned across planting a kiss on your lips.

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