Chapter 25

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Everyone's jaw was on the ground as they stood there looking at you in your bathing suit. You flashed them a dazzling smile and batted your eyes to tease them. Kuroo though suddenly turned going into his tent and you could hear him rummaging through something. He reappeared with something in his hands marching up to you.

"Arms up" he commanded.

"What?" you asked confused. He motioned with two fingers in an upward direction, so you raised your arms. He pulled a shirt over you forcing it down nearly to your knees.

"Much better" he smirked.

"How is this better? I can't swim in this" You laughed, you pulled the shirt up tying it in a knot making it more of a crop top. He reached out trying to untie it and you playfully swatted his hands away and ran for the water.

He turned to glare at the others, their eyes glued to your figure as you ran away. Daichi gave a devilishly handsome smile to Kuroo and took off after you. He caught up to you quickly and playfully grabbed you from behind while still running for the water.

Stopping at the edge of the water he reached for the knot in your shirt, he quickly untied it and pulled it off of you, tossing it onto the ground. He reached down grabbing the back of your thighs lifting you up into his arms and walked into the water till you both were waist deep.

"Are you trying to start a fight?" you teased.

"Me? No, i just didn't want you to ruin his shirt is all" he smirked.

"Oh yea? That's so thoughtful of you" you said laughing.

"Plus why buy something this cute just to hide it?" his eyes flicked down to your cleavage and back up, making you blush.

"Id rather you undress me with your hands rather than your eyes" You coyly said, the tips of his ears lit up pink. Sliding out of his arms you swam over to the rest of the group leaving him to his thoughts.

Everyone played in the water for several hours splashing and floating around. Hinata had somehow talked you into playing chicken again and there was even an intense game of water volleyball. Having had enough of the water you started to make your way to the shore.

"Y/n where are you going?" Yamaguchi asked.

"I'm done swimming, think I'm going to go hiking. There is a waterfall not to far from here" You said smiling.

"I'm coming with!" Bokuto jumped up pushing past the boys to get to the shore.

"I'll come too" Akaashi said following after you.

"But Akaashi I wanted to go alone with baby owl!!" Bokuto whined.

"Did you really think we would let that happen?" Kuroo asked hurrying after him "Come on Kenma" he turned looking to his friend.

"No thank you, I'm going to stay here and float with Shoyo" Kenma said in his usual bored tone.

"Don't worry, I'll come with you" Daichi walked up next to him, slapping a hand onto his shoulder rather hard. The competition was really starting to build between them and not just on the court.

"Okay sweet, lets change and get going!" you said excited.

Everyone split off to their separate tents and quickly changed clothes. Once everyone was ready you pulled out the map you had bought for the trip and set off in the direction of the waterfall. The park was beautiful, filled with ancient tall trees, wild animals scurrying about, and natural hot springs throughout.

After about 45 minutes you walked out of a grove of trees into a large open area. There was a pool of water at the base of the giant waterfall, it was stunning and louder than you expected.

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