Daichi 2

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Weeks passed by in a flash and to say they were difficult was an understatement. The days were filled with hard and long practices to prepare for Nationals, and in what free time you had it was either spent with Daichi or breaking someone's heart. So needless to say by this point you were burnt out and in need of something good to happen. Problem was you still had one heart to break, Bokuto's.

The relationship with Bo was just fun and not as deep as the others but it somehow felt the hardest. He was a ball of pure energy and sunshine and the thought of hurting him and taking away his smile was eating away at you inside. The other big problem was he didn't live close so finding a time to do it in person when he was busy practicing also was hard.

Deciding to just woman up and do it, you sent him a text asking if you could come by his home tomorrow.

(Text convo)

y/n: Hey Bo, do you have plans for tomorrow?

No, want me to come over? :Bokuto

y/n: Actually I was going to come see you if that's okay?

Surprise visit from my Baby Owl, of course! :Bokuto

y/n: Okay sweet I'll text you when I get close, but send your address


The next day you sent Daichi a text of what you were doing and set off in the direction of Bo's. You decided to rent a car for the day so you didn't have to ride your bike at night. It took hours to get there and your nerves were on high so you turned on your favorite playlist and tried to not focus on the inevitable.

You sent a quick text to Bo when you were about 20 minutes away and he sent a handful of excited looking emoji's in response. When you pulled up to his house you couldn't make yourself get out of the car, your hands gripped the steering wheel so hard your knuckles were white. A tap came from beside you on the glass and nearly made you jump out of your skin, turning to look you were locked in the gaze of a beautiful golden eyed heartthrob.

 A tap came from beside you on the glass and nearly made you jump out of your skin, turning to look you were locked in the gaze of a beautiful golden eyed heartthrob

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"What are you doing in there Baby Owl?" he asked his head cocked sideways.

"Just thinking, sorry!" you said turning off the car and getting out of the car. He locked you into a bear hug and nearly carried you in the house.

"My parents are out so you picked the perfect day" he said finally releasing you now that you were inside. He had a huge smile on his face as he grabbed your hand and led you back towards his room. He locked the door behind the both of you and then pulled you to the bed, where he laid down and pulled you down next to him.

"I was really surprised you wanted to come see me, but I'm really happy you did" he said stroking your back. You couldn't hold it in anymore and burst into tears, his body stiffened immediately and he went into panic mode. "What's wrong baby?! A-are you okay??" he started searching your body to see if you were hurt.

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