Chapter 18

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The sound of Ukai snoring woke you up, he had rolled onto his back and sprawled out making you uncomfortable. As slowly and quietly as you could, you got up from the bed and exited the room. It was a short walk back to the boy's room where your clothes were.

You slid the door open slowly and tiptoed into the room closing it behind you. Quickly locating your bag you found a pair of panties to put on instead of the rather baggy shorts Ukai had given you. Glancing around the room to be sure everyone was asleep you dropped the shorts down sliding the panties on.

A hand slid across your stomach making you jump and nearly scream. "Shhhh its just me baby owl" Bokuto whispered in your ear. You turned to him glaring, he chuckled and grabbed your hand leading you over to his bed pulling you down into the covers. You laid down facing him taking in his beautiful golden eyes and his hair that was usually spiked up was down nicely framing his face. His lips were quirked into an adorable smile and looked so inviting, so you closed the distance bringing him into a sweet kiss. Your actions shocked him for a minute and his eyes went wide, he slowly let them close enjoying the kiss, sliding his hand behind your back to bring you closer.

You flinched as a second pair of lips slowly trailed kisses up your neck. "Sorry Darling, didn't mean to scare you" Akaashi said, you could feel him smiling as he trailed kisses back down. The fire in your stomach began to grow, kisses from Bokuto becoming deeper, while Akaashi nibbled at the sensitive skin of your neck leaving little hickeys.

Bokuto slid his hand under the rim of your shirt, sliding it up and off your body, leaving your bare chest exposed. You rolled onto your back , Akaashi brought his lips to yours, sliding his tongue in and swirling it in sensual circles that made your thighs clench. Bokuto lowered down to admire your breasts, he took one into each hand, gently kneading them in his large palms. His thumbs rubbing over each nipple making them grow harder, then taking each one into his mouth, flicking his tongue back and forth making you moan.

Akaashi seeing that your breast were taken slid down between your legs, he placed a thigh over each of his shoulders. He began nibbling down your thigh driving you crazy with anticipation, his hot breath grazed across your womanhood as he passed over to nibble on the other thigh only making you want it more. Feeling your growing need he brought his mouth back, flattening his tongue and gliding it up along your lips. He could feel how wet you were already and he smirked.

"Mmm darling, you are already so wet, I can't wait to see what my tongue does to you" he chuckled licking his lips. He used his hands to spread your thighs further apart allowing him better access. His tongue awoke every nerve, swirling in quick circles, quick flicks, and long strokes making you writhe. You could feel your orgasm already starting to build, tension filling your stomach. He slid two fingers along your entrance and slowly slid them in making you gasp. Curling the tips of his fingers up he began to pump them in and out stimulating your g-spot. You began to moan and grind against his tongue and fingers, adding to the pleasure. Bokuto's hand slid along your throat and up to cover your mouth to help muffle your moans so as not to wake the rest of the room.

Bokuto raised up whispering in your ear "Its my turn to taste you, roll over." He motioned to Akaashi, while you rolled over, he helped pull you onto your hands and knees while Akaashi kneeled in front of you. Bokuto gave your ass a good squeeze and used his knees to part your legs further. He nuzzled into you taking in your sweet scent, and started flicking his tongue against your already sensitive bud.

Turning your face towards him, Akaashi freed him self from his shorts. He used his thumb to pull open your jaw and ran his tip across your lips, a hunger and need took over him as he slid himself into your mouth, releasing a deep moan. His hands tangled into your hair and he pulled holding your head in place as he slid in and out of your hot wet mouth.

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