Chapter 14

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(Start of very slight nsfw)

Having his eyes roam your body made your heart feel as though it would pound out of your chest. You tried taking a deep breath so he didn't notice the butterflies you felt in your stomach. He turned away quickly going to the bathroom to hang up your clothes. He stayed in there for a few extra seconds trying to calm his nerves.

When he finally came back out you were sitting on the edge of the bed, legs crossed, leaned back on your hands, still in nothing but the bra and panties you had on. The towel was discarded to the ground.

"What? Did you decide clothes were too much of a hassle" he teased trying to hide how nervous he was.

"Just didn't see the point in putting everything on just for you to take it back off" you said giving him the "F##k Me" eyes. Something clicked inside him at your words and the nerves left his body being replaced with a deep hunger. He crossed to the bed, placing a hand on either side of you leaning forward till you were within inches of each other.

"Tell me what you want" he breathed out, his lips so close to yours. You leaned forward locking your lips with his, he took a second to respond but then kissed back. His lips were soft and his mouth tasted of tobacco and mint. As the kiss deepened you laid back on the bed bringing him with you. He pulled back from the kiss hovering over you, his hair cascading down around his face. The smile and shine in his eyes was intoxicating, he looked at you with admiration and wonder and it made the rest of the world melt away.

His eyes traveled down, sweeping across your collar bone and down the curve of your breast to your stomach. He started planting gentle kisses down the same path his eyes had taken, each kiss sending electricity through your veins. The kisses ended right at your panty line, he slipped a finger under the rim slowly sliding them down.

"Y/N?????" someone called, Ukai froze. "Y/N????" the voice called coming closer. "Kageyama is really sorry, Daichi scolded him pretty severely and sent me to check on you" Hinata said from outside the door. "Are you in here?" he said slowly turning the door handle.

 Ukai jumped up heading for the door, opening it and stepping out before Hinata could see inside. "Give her a minute, she just stepped into the bathroom to change, took a bit to calm her down" he said leading Hinata away and back outside.

You laid there for several minutes trying to catch your breath before getting up and getting dressed, deciding to change into a bathing suit incase someone tried to drown you again. The suit you picked was a bit more full coverage in the back than you would regularly pick but it made your cleavage look amazing. Grabbing a clean towel you headed outside.


Stepping out the door several of the boys crowded around asking a million questions trying to figure out if you were okay. Kageyama stood off to the back looking rather upset.

"Come here milk boy" you called getting his attention. He slowly made his way over to you, trying to avoid the glares from the rest of the team as he pushed through them.

His head was held low and he wouldn't look you in the eye "I'm so sorry y/n, I didn't mean to scare or hurt you" his apology seemed really genuine.

Reaching out you lifted his chin to make him meet eyes with you. "Its okay, just next time if you try to drown me, finish the job" you joked taking him by surprise. A smile slowly started to pull at the side of his mouth as you burst out laughing at your own joke. "Your pretty handsome when your not scowling" you said giving him a wink, his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. Grabbing his hand you pushed through the rest of the teams somewhat confused faces running to the pool, jumping in and pulling him in with you. You both submerged laughing and splashing each other.

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