Chapter 34

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"Lets do this one first" Oikawa said dragging you towards the Ferris wheel. The line was very short and you got on nearly immediately, it slowly began going around in circles allowing you to see so far out when you reached the top.

You didn't say a word to Oikawa the whole time he dragged you around the park, now he was sitting right next to you very obviously staring holes into the side of your face.

"Can you stop staring at me?" you said grumpily refusing to look over at him.

"What? Worried I'll catch you staring at how beautiful I am? You don't need to be shy lil cutie, I love the attention" he said with his usual cocky smile.

"You really are full of yourself huh?" you asked unable to hide the small smile that crept onto your lips.

"I'd like to make you full of me also" he joked as he slid his arm behind your back, his hand rested on your hip and he pulled you closer to him in the seat.

"Keep dreaming lover boy, doesn't matter how many times you make that joke it isn't happening" you said trying to scoot back away from him. The Ferris wheel then stopped right at the top, allowing you to enjoy the view for longer.

"This is where we kiss you know?" he lightly grabbed your chin turning your face towards him. He started to lean in and you quickly pushed your hand into his face.

"I don't freaking think so!!" you said shocked and flustered by his forward actions.

"But please?" he asked, his face looked genuinely sad and it pulled at your heart strings slightly.

"Fine...... just one!" you said giving in.

"How about two? I did pay the ride operator money to stop it up here" he explained.

"Trying to make sure you get your money's worth huh?" you said slightly offended.

"I didn't mean it like that" he said trying to defend himself. The ride started moving again and you sighed with relief.

"Looks like you missed your chance, sorry!" you said chuckling.

The seat you were in slowly crept its way to the bottom and the operator lifted the small bar on the front letting you out. He extended his hand toward you to help you down, but Oikawa knocked it out of the way offering you his instead. You decided to ignore his help and exited the ride by yourself, but he was quick to follow.

"What should we ride next?" he asked coming up beside you taking your hand in his.

"I'm thinking we should go back to the other guys" you said pulling your hand away.

"Iwa-chan will keep that brute entertained, just ride another ride with me" he slipped his arm around your shoulders and started guiding you to another area.

"How about we go in there then?" you said pointing to the spook house.

"I'm not really a fan of rides like that" he said trying to pull you the other direction.

"What is the King scared of a few people in costumes? Isn't that just precious" you said in a mocking tone. He narrowed his eyes at you and then grabbed your hand pulling you towards the house. He handed the gate worker tickets and pulled you inside.

The first room wasn't all that scary, it was very dark inside though. Everything was vaguely lit with red lights that looked like candles. It was set up to look like an ordinary living room but the sound of a thunderstorm played over speakers and lights would flash at the sound of thunder. There were also creepy paintings on the wall and you were sure one of them had eyes that followed you as you walked. Leaving the first room you came to a very narrow hallway that pushed you and Oikawa shoulder to shoulder, his hand lightly grazing yours as you walked. A large thunder clap went off and you both jumped in reaction, your hand reached for his instinctively.

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