Captain vs Captain

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"I love........ kuroo and daichi" you said the last part barely above a whisper.

"Who?" Noya said very confused.

"Did you say Kindaichi?? When the hell did he become an option?" Tanaka said dragging his hands down his face in exasperation.

"Did you say Kindaichi?? When the hell did he become an option?" Tanaka said dragging his hands down his face in exasperation

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"No not Kindaichi......... Kuroo and Daichi" you said and braced yourself for the next set of outbursts.

"Is this some trashy American TV show to you?" Tanaka said shaking his head. "Pick one!" he said holding up one finger at you and gesturing angrily towards it.

"But i want both....." you hid behind your hands feeling the stress of your current situation.

"Well..... i mean they both already are basically dating her, do you really think they would say no?" Noya asked Tanaka in a side huddle.

"Probably not, but still........ Ah GEEZ! Fine pick both and tell them already!" Tanaka growled turning back towards you.

"Yea?!" you asked suddenly very excited.

"Really? Thats your reaction to dating two guys?" Tanaka asked shaking his head.

"Makes sense to me" Noya said under his breath.

"Why am i even friends with you guys?" Tanaka groaned and laid down tucking the blankets around him. You pounced on him, squishing his cheek with yours.

"Its because you love us and we keep your life exciting" You kissed his cheek and then cuddled up behind him. "Plus you are just as much of a simp as we are" you laughed.

"I might be on Noya's level but you... you are much worse than us" he laughed.

"True, but what can i say? I have a lot of love to give" you teased.

Everyone burst out laughing releasing the tension that had been built up. After the laughter stopped the three of you cuddled close together and fell asleep ready for the next day. When the morning rays of sunshine began to peak through the window you woke up both excited and nervous for the day. Not only did you now have to respond to several guys who had been worried about you but you also had to let two very special ones know how you feel. The speaking about your feelings wasnt really the issue though, the fear and nerves were all based on what they would say in return.

Arriving at practice you found yourself to be nervous about seeing Daichi, it had been a few days and now knowing your true feelings for him you were almost giddy to see him. They were all up in the locker room changing so you went about your regular duties of setting up the court. You were dragging the net out when you backed your body into someone.

"Need some help with that?" Daichi said smiling down at you. His hands gently rested on your hips as he looked over your shoulder at you.

"Id love some help" you said flashing him a smile. He walked around grabbing the other side of the net and helped you carry it out onto the court.

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