Chapter 17

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*Slight NSFW theme/scene towards the end*

The first day of practice went by in a flash, you spent most of the day watching the Fukurodani team. Carefully watching their form, their secret moves, taking note of any key words used, and every one's individual abilities. They were a very strong team, and you could see why they had gone to Nationals the last several years. Bokuto was a wild animal, the power with which he could hit the ball made your mind go to inappropriate places, and good lord the ass on this guy! He caught you looking a few times, making you blush.

Once the gym was clean, Bokuto came to collect you from the bench. "Come on, lets go eat" he extended his hand helping you up. "The managers made dinner, everyone is going to eat together." He slipped his hand around your waist guiding you to where the food was being served. Everyone was sat down at rows of tables, a spread on each table that everyone was digging into.

Bokuto quickly spotted two open seats by Akaashi and dragged you over. "Hello again Akaashi!" you said sitting down next to him.

"Hello Darling, did you enjoy today?" he asked.

"Yes actually, I learned a lot just from watching you guys. You are very talented" you said batting your eyes. His face flushed pink at your compliment.

"I appreciate that, most eyes are usually focused on our ace though" he glanced at Bokuto who was pouting beside you.

"Its hard not to watch him, his energy and power are... exhilarating. Not to mention his thick booty" you made groping movements with your hands making Akaashi laugh. You turned to Bokuto flashing him a smile, his mouth had dropped open at your comment and the tips of his ears were bright red.

"Chibi-Chan" you looked up to see Kuroo looking down at you. "Have you started eating yet?"

"No not yet" you answered.

"Good come on, I want sushi. Excuse us" he said smiling to Bokuto and Akaashi, he then slipped one arm under your legs and the other behind your back lifting you from the chair. He took off for the exit "Its just down the road from here."

"What if I didn't want sushi? Plus, I was in the middle of a conversation!" you glared at him.

"You always want sushi, so stop acting mad. You can talk to them again tomorrow, I want to go eat with you, after that I want to take you in the shower room and finally follow that up with cuddling you tonight. Does that work for you Chibi-Chan or are you going to keep pretending to be mad at me?" he said with a smirk.

"Yea whatever" you mumbled and crossed your arms, He burst out laughing.

He leaned down close to your ear "I could always take you right here if you want" he whispered. You smacked his forehead making you both laugh.

He carried you the whole way to the restaurant only sitting you down right outside the door. You both quickly found a table and placed your order. The food was delicious and you both laughed through the whole dinner, talking about wild theories, childhood mishaps, and past bad dating experiences. He really was easy to talk to, he was very smart but wasn't afraid to joke and be a big dork.

"I hate to cut this short, but we better get back or we might get locked out" he joked rising from the table. He extended his hand to you helping you from the table, and then led you back to the building. The two of you followed the path to the boy's room where everyone would be sleeping.

"Where did you two go?" Suga asked as you walked into the room.

"Decided we needed sushi, it was delicious! I've got some leftovers if you want?" you extended the to go box towards Suga but Noya and Tanaka grabbed it and started digging in.

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