Tsukki 1

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"I love...... Tsukki" you said surprising yourself.

"Huhh?????" They asked in confused unison.

"Don't huh me, you heard me!" you said suddenly feeling defensive.

"Isn't he always mean to you?" Noya asked voicing his confusion.

"Not always, he is honestly very kind and gentle. He can be rude and he isn't afraid to voice when he is angry even though it comes out snarky but I love that about him. Its like when boys are young and they pick on the girl they like, I tease him with flirting and he teases me with snark." You said laughing to yourself thinking about it.

"I've never seen you blush like that" Tanaka said catching you by surprise.

"Shutup!" you yelled.

"Just saying!" Tanaka said laughing.

"I know......" you said covering your cheeks embarrassed.

"So when are you going to tell him?" Noya asked.

"Right now" you said launching up from the bad, you started rapidly changing clothes.

"Y/n wait! Its like 2am!" Tanaka said jumping up also.

"I don't care" you left the room with them hurrying after you and you grabbed your keys and shoes by the door.

"Do you even know where he lives???" Noya asked in panic.

"I think so!" you jumped on your bike and took off in the direction you knew his house was, hoping that you would recognize it when you saw it.

You drove up and down several streets hoping to find anything that looked familiar, it took a solid 45 minutes before you started to lose hope. You turned down another street and something caught your attention, you knew this spot and your anxiety jumped. Slowing down you looked at every house hoping to find the right one and you nearly shouted when you spotted it. You parked your bike by the road and hurried over to the window that you thought was his. Searching the ground you tried to find some small pebbles but couldn't find any.

"Tsukki" you whisper shouted losing patience, nothing happened so you said it a little louder.

"TSUKKI!!" you shouted, still nothing.

"Kei!!!" you shouted one final time, but still nothing. Feeling defeated you turned to leave when you heard the bedroom window slide open.

"What the hell do you want??" An angry half asleep Tsukki asked.

"To see you, can you come let me in?" you asked trying to hold the excitement in.

"Are you crazy shortcake? Its 3 in the morning!" he said shaking his head.

"Is that a no?" you asked.

"Of course not damnit, hold on" he groaned and shut the window, it took him a minute to come downstairs but you stood impatiently at the front door. When he opened it you launched into his arms nearly knocking him to the ground but he luckily caught both of you.

"I MIS-" you started to say before he clamped a hand over your mouth.

"Be quiet my moms asleep, but I missed you too. Lets go to bed" he took your hand in his and lead you up towards his bedroom. You were outside of his door when the door across the hall opened.

"You kids be good" Akiteru, Tsukki's brother teased before closing the door.

Tsukki pulled you into his room quickly and shut and locked the door behind you. He turned towards you his face a mix of anger, sleep and confusion.

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