Bonus Birthday chapter

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*This chapter is very long but i hope you enjoy it! I'll admit its mostly written for myself and what i would want to receive from them but hopefully you can also relate to it.


The sound of the doorbell pulled you from deep sleep and you groaned as you got out of bed. Stumbling down the hall you bumped into a few things before flinging the door open angrily.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" a familiar voice screamed at the top of his lungs. You reached up trying to rub the sleep from your eyes to see who it was. Bokuto stood on your door step with a large colorful bag in his hands.

"Please stop yelling" you yawned out.

"I'm sorry I woke you baby owl, I just wanted to be the first one to tell you happy birthday! Let me take you back to bed" He quickly swooped you up bridal style in his arms and used his foot to close the door behind him. He Took you back towards your room and sat you gently on the edge of the bed.

"I'm already awake now Bo but thank you for carrying me" You chuckled lightly. He placed the present next to you and kept looking from it to you and back.

"Open it!" he said excitedly.

"You didn't have to get me anything, but okay!" You pulled it into your lap and pulled the tissue paper out. Inside the bag was an adorable small owl plushie, you pulled it out and gave it a hug. "Bo this is so cute!"

"It's a baby owl for my baby owl!" he said proud of himself "There is something else in there" he said pointing back towards the bag

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"It's a baby owl for my baby owl!" he said proud of himself "There is something else in there" he said pointing back towards the bag.

"Really?" you started digging around in the bag when you felt something you pulled it out and realized what it was and started laughing. "Is this a Naruto headband?" you asked in between laughs.

"Yes! I got one too!" he pulled it from his pocket and put it on, a big smile taking up most of his face, You unwrapped yours and put it on as well.

"What do you think? Does it look good?" you asked playfully.

"Oh yea super hot! Can you maybe leave that on for my next present?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Anything you want Sensei" you said teasing him. He pounced on you, pinning you to the bed and covered your face in kisses.


You reached over grabbing your phone where an incoming facetime from Kuroo was coming through. You swiped the screen and saw an excited looking bedhead with a party hat on.

"Happy birthday Chibi-chan!!!" he yelled through the screen.

"Thanks pretty boy I appreciate it!" you said with a smile. Bokuto still being on top of you ducked under your hand blocking the camera.

"Where did you go?" Kuroo asked looking confused at the grey blur now filling the screen.

"Sorry its Bo, he came over and woke me up" you said trying to peek around the silly owls head.

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