Chapter 15

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"Rude manners wont land you a husband, neither will hanging around grown men. Wouldn't want people getting the wrong thoughts about you" she snapped back. Her words stung, nearly bringing tears to your eyes.

"Tempt me and ill make him your new son in law" You said through gritted teeth, trying to smile even though you wanted to flip the table. Everyone was frozen in fear, never having seen you this angry. Kenma's hand reached for yours holding it tightly, he could feel your body shaking with rage. You looked towards him noticing he also looked a bit scared.

"Sorry everyone, guess I woke up on the wrong side of the Tsukki" you joked trying to push the anger deep back down not wanting to ruin every ones day.

"I forgive you" your mother said smiling and going back to her line of questioning.

It took every ounce of will power you had to not yell and scream at her. That apology wasn't meant for her, neither would you apologize to her again for her being inappropriate and rude. Just one more day you kept telling yourself. They would be leaving tomorrow afternoon on a plane back to America and Hopefully wouldn't be returning till the holidays.

Everyone but your mother was quiet through the rest of dinner, she kept asking everyone a million questions that your friends graciously answered. When everyone was finally done, they helped clear the table, several of them leaving shortly after.

"Well I better be going" Ukai said standing. "I've got a shift tonight at the store, and need to make a few more arrangements for the training camp coming up. I will see all of you on Monday" he said giving everyone a quick wave. He shook your parents hands thanking them for the food and started heading towards the door.

"I'll walk you out" you said jumping up from your chair and following him outside to his car. "I'm sorry this day was so awful, should've picked a better day for you to come over and hangout I guess. Hopefully you'll give me a redo" you tried to smile.

"I wouldn't say this day was awful, I had a lot of fun. Dinner got a little tense but the time alone with you... now that was perfect." He smiled.

"But we got interrupted?" you looked at him confused.

"I know and I think that was for the best. As much as I really enjoyed it and wanted to do sooooo much more, its better we didn't. Your Mother wouldn't be the only one with those opinions of us and that would just be hard on you and that's not what I want. Thank you for standing up for me though, It was so hard not to laugh when you said id be her new son in law" he started chuckling.

"She should count herself lucky if that were the case. Even though this feels like a rejection, thank you. Your age isn't a problem for me, its not illegal here or even something I would consider taboo but I know others would, and I just really want to live my life and have fun. Having to defend my actions constantly isn't fun and if people were to be hateful towards you about it.... Well I really wouldn't want that" you couldn't keep the frown from your face.

"I wouldn't want that either. Go have fun and don't let people bring you down for that. Goodnight Beautiful, ill see you on Monday" he kissed your cheek getting into his car and driving away.

Heading back inside you found the rest of the group chilling in the game room. You walked in throwing yourself onto the couch resting your head in Kenma's lap.

"Are you okay y/n?" Suga asked.

"I can see what you meant earlier in the pool" Kuroo said.

"Yea i'm fine, sorry I lost my temper." You sat up "Its just hard because half the time she acts like she loves the life I live and wants to know everything about it, but then she uses that information against me, trying to bring me down and make me feel badly about who I am or who I choose to be." You groaned covering your face with your hands.

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