Chapter 7

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He turned away from you trying to hide himself. "I'm so sorry if I woke you, had an upset stomach, just go back to bed and I'll be back out there in a minute" he lied.

" Maybe I can help with your "upset stomach"" you said doing quotation marks with your fingers. You grabbed a hair tie that was by the sink and pulled your hair back and then lowered yourself onto your knees. He glanced over his shoulder at your response to find you kneeling.

"Oh fuc-" he said under his breath. He turned towards you revealing himself making your eyes wide in shock. His member was far above average and you almost regretted offering to help him because there was no way you could take that whole thing. You swallowed hard making Kuroo smirk. "Don't go changing your mind now that you've seen it"

He entwined his fingers in your hair gently pulling, and the thumb of his other hand gently caressed your lips pulling them apart. He took his member grazing your lips with it opening your mouth wider.  You flicked his tip with your tongue making him release a small moan. Wrapping one hand around him you swirled your tongue around his tip then brought him more into your mouth. You used your mouth and hand to pleasure him, occasionally taking him deeper which made you gag and brought tears to your eyes.

He released the hand in your hair using both hands to grip the countertop. He dropped his head back and let out delicious moans. Using your free hand you ran your nails down his abs. He looked back down at you watching you bob up and down on his member, You looked up making eye contact and it sent him over the edge. He grabbed the back of your head thrusting deep one last time and released his seed. You swallowed everything even licking away a few drops on your lips.

"Your turn Chibi-Chan" he reached down pulling you up and setting you on the counter. He took one leg putting it on his shoulder and lined himself with your entrance. He slowly slid in moaning deep. "Mmm, I've wanted to do this all day"

He began to thrust in and out, sending shocks of pleasure through your body. You were so tight for his size so you could feel every inch of his shaft. He picked up pace, ramming his full length into you. It was pain and pleasure all at once, you knew you wouldn't last long like this. He dug his finger tips into your thigh his other hand gripping your throat making the pleasure immense.

You moaned rather loudly so he leaned forward kissing you helping to muffle the sound. "I'm close" you moaned against his lips.

"Not yet love" he stopped thrusting and removed your leg from his shoulder. He then stood you on your feet, turned you around and bent you over the countertop.  He lined himself back up and thrusted into you. This position was a whole new feeling.  His hands gripped your hips hard to hold you in place for his hard thrusts. Moans erupted from deep within. He gave your ass a hard smack. You were nearing the edge again, and he could tell.  He wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled your torso towards his chest. His other hand lifted your chin forcing you to meet eye contact with him in the mirror.

"Watch yourself cum for me baby" he said biting down on your shoulder. His words sent you over the edge, your climax taking ahold of your body. You moaned loud, watching yourself in the mirror as your orgasm rocked you to the core. He held you tight as he watched you fall apart in his arms, and the feeling of you clamping down on him sent him to climax also.

He laid his head on your shoulder taking a few deep breaths.  You reached up running your finger through his hair. He pulled out of you turning to the bathtub and turned on the water. Once it was full enough he carried you over setting you in the water and then crawled in behind you. You laid back against his chest enjoying the feeling of the warm water. He kissed your cheek.

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