Chapter 35

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Your morning alarm began to blare pulling you out of the restless sleep. Ushi had given you a ride home the night before and he had been unbelievably silent, his face stern showing no emotion. He pulled up to the front of your house throwing his truck into park, you went to open the door when he finally decided to speak.

"Hold on" he said sternly. He opened his door and came around to the passenger side, he opened the door and extended his hand to you. Even mad he couldn't help but be a gentleman which was something you admired about him. When your feet hit the ground you looked up into his face and you were taken back by his expression.

"Please don't look at me like that" you groaned looking away.

"Why him? You complained the moment you saw him but then you let him touch you" his tone was serious but his voice was soft, he swept the hair off your shoulder and pressed his thumb gently into the large hickey.

"It wasn't something I planned, things just got out of control suddenly" you tried explaining.

"I don't like feeling like this" his eyes showing his emotion. "I just want you to be mine again, I don't want to share your time anymore" he said softly.

"I'm just not..." you began to say but he interrupted you, placing his finger to your lips.

"Please just think about it, I don't need an answer right away" he kissed your cheek and got back into his truck.

The scene kept playing over and over in your head as you got ready for the day. The hickey was still very noticeable on your neck and you had to use a mountain of makeup to cover it. To top things off, as if you weren't already feeling like utter garbage, anxiety set in about todays games. Your team had to win every game to move on to nationals and as much as you believed in them, the opponents you would be facing were some of the best.

You finished getting ready, grabbed your board and set off towards the school. You were the first one to arrive other than Ukai who was getting the bus ready with Takeda and Kiyoko.

"You look like you haven't slept" Ukai said as he stepped off the bus having seen the dark circles under your eyes. "Get on the bus and take a nap till we get there" he commanded, throwing his jacket on top of your head. You smiled and got on the bus, you picked a seat halfway back, his jacket was a perfect blanket and you quickly drifted off into sleep. The rest of the team began to arrive shortly after and gathered outside the bus.

"Okay boys everyone get on the bus and be quick about it, but DO NOT WAKEUP L/N!" Ukai said raising his voice at the end. The guys quietly loaded onto the bus not daring to make a sound, each aweing over you as they took their seats.

"How does she look even more beautiful when asleep?" Hinata asked looking over the back of his seat down at you, he moved his hand towards you.


"Don't yell at him for saying I'm pretty old man" you chastised him while half asleep.

"SHUTUP AND GO BACK TO SLEEP" he yelled back at you.

"Hard to do that when you wont stop yelling" you said sitting up and glaring daggers at him. He turned around and sat in the driver's seat, putting the bus into motion. You could hear him griping under his breath which made you smile.

"Move over Shortcake" Tsukki said standing beside you.

"Awe it's my Tsukki-poo" you teased as you slid over allowing him to sit beside you.

"Idiot" he scoffed but placed his hoodie in his lap "Lay down and sleep before Coach starts yelling again" he said refusing to look at you.

"If you keep acting this sweet I might just fall in love with you" you teased as you rested your head in his lap and pulled Ukai's jacket back over you as a blanket. It didn't take long for you to fall back asleep, due to Tsukki gently rubbing up and down your side.

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