Chapter 13

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Your night was filled with tossing and turning as your nerves got the best of you. The cookout would start in a few short hours and you were honestly panicked about your parents meeting your friends. Its not that your friends are bad people or that your parents are too stern, the nerves were more out of fear of your two worlds finally colliding. Your parents had only heard about everyone through talk and text and now panic was setting in about them meeting the real people. Other problem is you hadn't really told your friends much about your parents and were worried what they would think of you. As fun as your parents were they had a tendency to say inappropriate or out of character things and it was scary to think of what might just slip out.

Before bed the previous night you had called Tanaka and Noya and asked them to come over early to help calm your nerves and luckily they would be arriving any minute. You were panic digging through your drawers and closet when the door bell rang. Sprinting out of your room towards the front door you yelled.

"IVE GOT IT" you yanked the door open grabbing both boys by the hand and rushing back to your room locking the door behind you.

"wow y/n, relax!" Noya exclaimed.

"Sorry..... I don't know why i'm so nervous" you said anxiously playing with your fingers. Tanaka wrapped you in a big bear hug squeezing you far to tight.

"Why are you so worried beautiful?" he said rocking you gently side to side in the hug.

"I just never know what they are going to say and I don't want anyone to get offended or think differently of me. As nice as they can be they are also very critical. They also don't understand boundaries and are bound to ask inappropriate questions or say some frowned upon things." You groaned into his chest.

"Well everyone on our team loves you, and no matter what happens me and Noya will still be your best friends promise" he gave you another good squeeze and then let you go. "Now get dressed because your.... Indecent" he pointed towards your legs making you realize you were still in a t-shirt with no pants.

"Oops" you said laughing. "help me pick something please, I cant think straight" you turned towards the dresser digging while Noya went to the closet. They ended up picking out a cute off shoulder crop and high waisted shorts and you found a bra and panties to match.

 They ended up picking out a cute off shoulder crop and high waisted shorts and you found a bra and panties to match

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(something like this but in whatever color you want and of course on your body type)

In the few hours before people were supposed to start showing up you curled up in bed with Noya and Tanaka and just enjoyed the peace offered by time spent with your best friends. A knock eventually came at your door.

"Honey are you ready yet, people will be showing up soon" your mom asked poking her head in the door. "Oh seems we already have guests, who are these little perverts all over my daughter?" she said walking into the room with a scowl on her face. Tanaka and Noya both jumped out of the bed bowing rapidly apologizing. She burst out laughing fanning her face to keep from crying "I'm just kidding boys, I know who you are, y/n wont shut up about the two of you!" she said.

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