Chapter 4

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"Background noise huh?" He teased.

He really was very handsome, he had a strong jaw, smoking hot body, and very kissable lips.  His eyes even though just brown showed so much determination and desire, but still felt so kind.

He slid a hand behind your neck pulling your lips to his, the kisses were sweet and slow. You deepened the kiss gently biting his lip, making him release a little moan pushing his hips up into you. Pulling away you gasped felling how hard he was already underneath you, he used his hand to turn your face so he could kiss down your neck. Taking his hands he ran them up your side taking his shirt up as he went. Slipping the shirt up and off of your body tossing it onto the floor. He stopped to take in the sight of your bare chest.

" Your body is even more beautiful than I imagined." He kept looking, taking in every inch of your body. Leaning in he ran his tongue in gentle circles around each nipple making you let loose soft moans. Taking your hips he forced you to grind against his member, the feeling sending chills up your spine.

"I need you" you said in almost a whisper.

"Say it louder" he said still making you grind against him.

"Please, I need you" you said much louder. He smiled, you raised up on your knees so he could free his member.  He pulled your panties to the side and gently glided his member along your entrance. After lining himself up you slowly lowered yourself down taking him in. He was good in length but girth is where he surprised you. (his thighs aren't the only thing that's thick *wink*)

It took a few seconds to adjust to his size, and then he started rocking you back and forth again. He brought his lips back to yours, gliding his tongue in circles.  His kisses were intoxicating,  lips so soft, breath still smelling of fresh mint.

You paused for a minute and he looked at you confused. Readjusting yourself onto your feet you started to bounce on his member. He let out a deep growl like sound biting his lip.

"That feels so good" his breath was ragged.  He grabbed your ass helping guide you up and down. His hands were big, tightly holding each cheek. You could feel a loud moan coming when..

*knock knock *

Both of you froze eyes wide in shock.

"y/n?" Hinata asked from the door.

"Not no-" Daichi began to say. You slapped a hand over his mouth adjusting back onto your knees.

"What do you need Hinata?" You asked. Daichi decided to take advantage of the situation.  He started to tease your nub with his thumb while thrusting up into you, making little moans release.

"I don't know where the bathroom is and everyone is asleep but I heard your tv on" Hinata responded.

Daichi picked up the pace sending you dangerously close to the edge. You covered your mouth to silence the loud moan you couldn't hold back anymore.

"Its 2 doors over dear" you managed to choke out.

"Are you okay y/n, you don't sound so good?" He said worried

Daichi chuckled, not letting up his pace.

"I'm fine Hinata just tired, go use the restroom and go back to bed" you could hear him walk away from the door. You grabbed the headboard clamping your hand down on your mouth as you threw your head back releasing a rather loud moan when your climax hit. Your whole body was shaking, Daichi could feel you orgasming around him sending him over the edge. You both stayed in that position catching your breath for a second and then he flipped you onto your back. He positioned himself above you putting a hand on each side of your head to hold himself up.

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