Chapter 36

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The match was only beginning yet it was turning out to be one of the most entertaining so far. Having watched Teru jump and score the point from the back of the court your eyes were glued to the Johzenji team. Their movements didn't seem planned, it was more like they just reacted and it seemed to work in their favor. You couldn't pull your eyes away from them until Yachi gasped out beside you, making your eyes flick to the other side of the court.

Kageyama was being pulled from the court as blood was running from his nose, you had missed it but Yachi explained he went to block a hit and took the ball directly to the face. She ran off to go with him to see the Dr that was on sight for events like these. Hinata was then pulled off the court and Narita subbed in which took you by surprise, he was a good player but he didn't have as much skill as some of the new first years.

"YOU GOT THIS NARITA!" you shouted at him as he walked onto the court, his cheeks turned a bright pink and he refused to look up at you. Daichi's eyes met yours though and he playfully shook his head while smiling.

The next few points went rather smooth, and it had finally come down to Karasuno only needing two points to take the game. They set themselves up to do their synchronized attack, they all charged forward and Daichi slammed it over the net scoring the point, leaving one more point to take the win. Narita did a solid serve over but it was easily received and then to everyone's amazement Johzenji tried executing the same attack we had, it didn't go as planned and they missed the ball allowing us to score the point taking the game.

Your feet were moving before you knew what was happening, you stomped down onto the court and walked right up to Terushima.

"Are you completely insane???" you said in almost a shout, his face quickly turned into a smile.

"I've been called worse" he laughed, he walked towards you and placed his arm on the gym wall next to your head.

"With so much on the line how could you try a move like that? It was obvious you had never done it before and now you lost your team the set" you scolded.

"I would think you would be happy your team got the point" he laughed as he leaned in closer "Have you decided to ditch them for me? Can't say id complain about that".

"That would never happen, I just wanted to know what kind of idiots would try that on match point" you said shaking your head.

"Volleyball is meant to be fun, and I like to try new things" he smiled evilly and leaned in trying to bring his lips towards yours. You quickly blocked his lips with your hand and lightly pushed him away. His hand caught yours and his finger slid between your middle and pointer finger, he trailed his tongue up the side of your finger, dragging his piercing across the soft skin. You ripped your hand from his grasp and quickly walked away back up to the stands, not stopping to talk to your team due to the fact that your face was noticeably red.

The second set seemed to be more in Karasuno's favor than the first one, Johzenji seemed to be all over the place and kept missing points. Their coach finally called a time out trying to bring them back into focus, you couldn't hear what was being said but it looked like their female Manager was scolding them. The second half they seemed a lot more focused, but Karasuno still took the set and won the game.

You made your way down towards gym floor to join your team, this was luckily the only game for today so you would all get to load up and go home. It was hard to fight through some of the crowd though and you kept getting knocked around, but a firm hand grabbed you and pulled you back from the mass of people. You glanced up surprised to Aone, his face was set ahead of you like he was waiting for someone to arrive.

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